Landscaping Regulations Update
Landscaping Regulations are tied to several themes found throughout PLANiTULSA’s priorities, goals, and policies. Landscaping can promote pedestrian activity, reduce urban heat island, improve stormwater quality, buffer neighboring land uses by reducing noise and glare, and enhance neighborhood appearance.
The 2016 Tulsa Zoning Code was adopted to provide the City, residents, and builders with updated regulations to reflect PLANiTULSA’s recommendations and vision. During the process of updating the zoning code as a whole, a decision was made to revisit the landscape regulations at a later time for a more in depth look.
The City of Tulsa engaged Duncan Associates to complete an update to the City’s landscaping regulations found in the Zoning Code. A series of four meetings between the consultant and a working group composed of local landscape architects, developers, and city staff shaped the draft landscape regulations update. List of Meeting Participants
Final Draft (February 21, 2019) | Illustrations (PDF)
Public Review and Open House
The final open house was held on March 21, 2019, giving the public one more opportunity to review landscape plan illustrations and updated regulations and to provide feedback before the plan was presented to the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC) and City Council for adoption and approval. Public comments from previous drafts have been incorporated into the final draft, available below.
Public Hearing Draft Review and Adoption
The Tulsa Planning Office, Duncan Associates, and the working group are finalizing a draft based on their previous work and public input. Following the final open house, that draft will go before the Planning Commission (TMAPC) and then to City Council. We will post the dates for work sessions and public hearings when they are scheduled.