Crosbie Heights Small Area Plan Update
Crosbie Heights was selected by the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission for a small area plan to be developed in 2015. The Tulsa Planning Office, consultants, and the neighborhood worked together from 2015 until 2017 to create this new plan.
View Adopted Plan | Plan Boundary Map | TMAPC Selection Resolution | City Council Boundary Resolution
The Process:
The City of Tulsa’s small area planning process is defined by thematic steps in this diagram. Public participation is encouraged throughout the process and all meetings are open to the public.
Past meeting agendas, notes, materials and exhibits are linked to key process steps below.
SELECT November 2014 through February 2015
Crosbie Heights was selected by TMAPC from a field of nine nominations as the subject of this small area plan. Nominations, due December 31, 2015, identified key issues to be resolved, stakeholders willing to work through the process, and criteria from PLANiTULSA that supported the value of small area planning in each area. Staff reviewed each nomination and presented summaries to TMAPC for consideration.
STEP 1: INITIATE March 2015
With Crosbie Heights selected for the next small area plan, staff executed the INITIATE step, to finalize the boundary via a City Council resolution. All property owners within the boundary were notified that the planning process would begin. Staff assisted the City Councilor to contact key stakeholders to serve on the Citizen Advisory Team, and staff began to gather data required for the plan.
STEP 2: ENGAGE April 14, 2015
This step began the process of community engagement. The initial meeting of the Citizen Advisory Team (CAT) included orientation to the planning process, basic rules of engagement and preliminary discussions about schedule commitments. The Small Area Plan Kick-Off event included introductions of CAT members and planning staff, overviews of the planning process and schedule, and an introduction to information that will be presented in future plan steps.
STEP 3: UNDERSTAND May 12, 2015
At this step, the process continued to build the SAP’s foundation with an inventory of existing conditions and key data required to develop the plan. The CAT discussed issues and opportunities during the SWOT exercise, followed by an introduction to Guiding Principles that will describe the plan area’s character and values.
STEP 4: ENVISION June 23, 2015
With the Visual Preference Survey – the focus of this step – participants evaluated images of buildings and urban design features, considering their personal preferences as well as appropriateness for Crosbie Heights. This exercise is designed to help stakeholders visualize how Crosbie Heights might look in the future, taking current conditions and long-range aspirations into account as they prepare for the Visioning Workshop set for August 1.
Continuing the SWOT Analysis initiated at the May meeting, stakeholders collectively established general priorities for Crosbie Heights through the “dotmocracy”. Results are in the summary document for this step. The analysis and conclusions will follow. The CAT will continue to consider Guiding Principles that will describe the plan area’s character and values and start crafting a Vision Statement for Crosbie Heights.
STEP 5: EXPLORE August – September 2015
Visioning Workshop August 1, 2015
The workshop began with Neighborhood Transformations, an inspirational presentation from Mr. Shane Hampton, Interim Director of The Institute for Quality Communities, University of Oklahoma and a recap of data and issues developed since the start of the planning process in April. In the afternoon, participants were lead through hands-on visioning exercises by facilitators from the American Institute of Architects Eastern Oklahoma Chapter, assisted by faculty and students from the Urban Design Studio, OU-Tulsa. Through this exercise, the community applied ideas for their future vision to maps of the plan area. Volunteer designers will refine concepts that will embody the consensus Vision for Crosbie Heights.
CAT Meeting August 25, 2015
The agenda for this meeting was CAT-focused, with the Citizen Advisory Team exploring Guiding Principles for the plan and drafting a Vision Statement based on the ideas generated at the August 1st workshop.
STEP 6: CONSENT November 2016-August 2017
The CAT reconvened and reviewed the plan’s draft vision statement, priorities, goals, and recommendations. Following the CAT’s consent and plan editing, the plan is forwarded to reviewing agencies for SAP Technical Review. Comments on the SAP Technical Review Draft will be accepted through November 17th, 2017.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact Travis Hulse by email or call 918-579-9452.