Subdivisions & Lots

The subdivision process allows for the division of property with distinct, official legal descriptions. Property is divided into a tract or tracts with proper ingress, egress, and easements and dedications to provide for adequate infrastructure to provide water, sewer, storm drainage, electric, cable, gas, emergency, and other services safely.

Subdivision & Development Regulations

Tulsa Metropolitan Area Subdivision and Development Regulations

Tulsa Metropolitan Area Subdivision and Development Regulations
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What is a Lot Split and Lot Line Adjustment?

Oklahoma State Statutes, Title 19, § 863.10 states that when property is being conveyed that is not an entire approved or official lot, it must be approved by the local Commission if the property is platted, or if any parcel of the unplatted property is five acres or less. These types of property transfers are referred to as ‘Lot Splits’ and the Commission shall apply the same regulations as are applied to subdivisions for planning purposes. The Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC) has jurisdiction for all of the City of Tulsa and the unincorporated parts of Tulsa County.

Oklahoma State Statutes, Title 19, § 863.9. states that property being divided into five or more tracts/parcels or involving the right-of-way or alignment of an existing or proposed street or highway is considered to be a subdivision rather than a lot-split.

Land divisions that are exempt from the lot split or subdivision process are required to apply for Exempt Land Division status through the TMAPC office. This application will result in stamp on the deeds of the new properties that states the following:

I, [insert name], Land Use Administrator for the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC), certify that this conveyance does not constitute a land division requiring review under otherwise applicable subdivision or lot split procedures of the TMAPC. Because of its “exempt” status, the TMAPC has not reviewed this land division for compliance with applicable zoning and subdivision regulations. Prospective purchasers should be aware that plans for building and development may be denied for lots that do not meet applicable zoning, subdivision or building regulations. This approval expires if not recorded before [insert date].

Lot Splits that involves the division or land and or the combination of two or more previously separate parcels of land is called a ‘Lot Line Adjustment’.

Lot-splits and Lot Line Adjustments are also governed under the Subdivision and Development Regulations for the Tulsa Metropolitan Area.

Can My Property Be Split?

The zoning of the subject property gives the requirements for each proposed tract. Zoning requirements are found in the City of Tulsa Zoning Code.

Notes for Other Zoning Categories

The use on the subject property also plays a major role in lot-splits. Each type of use is assigned a Use Category in Chapter 35 of the City of Tulsa Zoning Code. Parking requirements are found in Chapter 55 of the City of Tulsa Zoning Code.

Property located within a Planned Unit Development (PUD) or in a Corridor zoning district will require a minor amendment to reallocate floor area space, at a minimum. Detail site plans or major amendments may be required.

Requirements to Meet under the Subdivision & Development Regulations

According to the Subdivision Regulations, water service must be available to each proposed tract. Within the city, each proposed tract must abut a water main line. If water service is supplied through an entity other than the City of Tulsa, a letter from that entity advising if they can provide water to each tract is required.

Each proposed tract located within the City of Tulsa, must abut a sanitary sewer main line. Properties in the City of Tulsa using septic systems must meet Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) requirements. For those properties located within the City of Tulsa that do not have access to the sanitary sewer main line, a percolation test may be required.

If the current street right-of-way does not meet the standards according to the Major Street and Highway Plan (MSHP), the owner will need to give additional property to the city to meet the requirements for that roadway. Refer to the Major Street and Highway Plan for street classifications. Standard street widths for streets not classified in the MSHP are 50 feet in the City of Tulsa.

The creation of a flag lot will require a modification of the Subdivision and Development Regulations. A flag lot is a parcel of land shaped like a flag, with a narrow strip providing access to a public street and the bulk of the property containing no street frontage.

Fees and Timeframe

Most lot-split applications can be reviewed and approved by the TMAPC staff. These applications take approximately three to four weeks to process. View Application forms and Fee Schedules.

Other Requirements

Please consult the City and County Zoning Code and the Subdivision Regulations for additional requirements.