This 12-month master plan process will create a vision and framework for redevelopment of 56 acres of publicly-owned property in the Kirkpatrick Heights / Greenwood area of North Tulsa, just north of the IDL from downtown.
This community-led planning process will evaluate existing conditions and opportunities, develop a vision for redevelopment of the sites, recommend structures for long-term ownership and governance of the sites, and create an action-oriented plan for implementation. The master plan process is facilitated by the City of Tulsa, Tulsa Authority for Economic Opportunity (TAEO), and Tulsa Development Authority (TDA) in coordination with planning and design consultant WRT.
The planning process will include community meetings, workshops, charrettes, and informal conversations, as well as small focus groups and interviews that will directly inform development of the master plan.
The master plan will also develop a framework and strategies for the larger study area defined by Pine Street to the north, US Highway 75 to the east, the rail line to the south (Archer Street), and LL Tisdale Parkway to the west. Local landmarks in the planning area include the Greenwood Cultural Center located across the street from historic Vernon A.M.E. Church, the historic Greenwood Main Street, Greenwood Rising, Oklahoma State University – Tulsa, Langston University, Emerson Elementary School, Carver Middle School, and the Rev. B.S. Roberts Park.
For more information, visit the Kirkpatrick Heights Master Plan Website.