Neighborhood Toolkit

“A sense of community—the bond between residents—is what makes a place work. When neighbors begin to create meaningful relationships, they can accomplish great things together.”

Jeff Siegler

Revitalize or Die

Toolkit Overview

The entire City of Tulsa benefits when our neighborhoods are vibrant, connected, safe, and strong. This Neighborhood Toolkit was created to support residents who want to work together to strengthen their neighborhoods in a variety of ways.

The Toolkit offers information on how to organize your neighborhood, launch projects, celebrate with neighborhood events, access resources, and more. This document will be updated occasionally to include additional projects.

Projects fall into one or more of the following categories:
Beautification, Community, Environmental, Housing, Preservation, Safety, or Transportation.

Some of the projects in the Toolkit are designed to improve individual households, but many work best when neighbors come together and collaborate on an issue.

Each project page includes a description of the project and its importance, specific steps to complete the project, and a list of resources where you can find more information, more detailed steps, templates, etc.

You can browse through the Project Pages to the left, or download a PDF of the toolkit.


Map of Active Small Area Plans

We hope this Toolkit will become a valuable resource for all Tulsa residents, one that helps us accomplish goals outlined in our Comprehensive Plan or one of our many Small Area Plans.

Visit our Plans Library to see if your neighborhood falls within the boundaries of a Small Area Plan, and if so, which projects in this guide can help turn those plans into reality.

We keep track of the progress on each of the recommendations and goals within Small Area Plans,
and you can view the latest status reports on our Implementation page.

Completed a Project? Want to Suggest a New Project? Let us know!

When you or your neighborhood complete a project in this guide, or if you have ideas for new projects we should include, we want to hear about it. Send us stories, pictures, questions, and suggestions so we can celebrate your accomplishments. Send an email to Daniel Jeffries, AICP at, send us a message or tag us on Facebook, or visit

Resources for Commercial Districts

The Tulsa Planning Office also has programs for commercial/business districts, including the Destination Districts program and a Commercial Toolkit similar to this guide.

Neighborhood Toolkit

A landscaped island in Terwilleger Heights maintained by the neighborhood association.

“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” 

Jane Jacobs

The Death and Life of Great American Cities