Planning Programs

The Tulsa Planning Office is home to current and long-range planning for Tulsa and unincorporated areas in Tulsa County. Our staff also lead the Destination Districts program, assist on urban design projects, provide professional support for the planning commission, boards of adjustment, preservation commission, arts commission and Route 66 initiatives.

Long-Range Planning

Long-range planning efforts address the environment, land use, transportation, historic preservation, urban design, parks and open space, housing, economic development, neighborhoods, education, human services, and more, over a time frame of 10-20 years or longer. Together, these plans account for our present and future needs. Many different departments and agencies in Tulsa work together to implement these adopted plans.

Comprehensive planning incorporates input from all areas of the city and involves multiple city departments and agencies.

Tulsa’s Comprehensive Plan serves to guide the physical development of the city over a period of time through a set of goals and policies. The policies provide a framework within which individuals, businesses and public officials make decisions that are consistent with the future vision.

Small area plans include specific strategies that are tailored to the unique characteristics of targeted areas within the community. When adopted they amend the Comprehensive Plan for that area.
Plan Implementation & Tracking ensures that progress is made toward each of the goals and recommendations set forth in all our plans, regardless of scale.

Current Planning

Current Planning works with residents, developers, and others to facilitate the land development and zoning process. This process ensures that development in Tulsa and unincorporated areas of Tulsa County comply with the zoning code, subdivision and development regulations, platting requirements, and any other land use and development requirements.

Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC)
City of Tulsa Board of Adjustment
Tulsa County Board of Adjustment

Supporting Programs

Destination Districts

The Destination Districts program will provide districts with the technical assistance, guidance, and occasional financial support to help them implement the vision they have for themselves. Assistance could range from helping a district join the Main Street program, helping navigate the special events permitting process, and advice on business recruitment. The program is intended to help stimulate economic growth and revitalization, and create places that people love, and to unite our community.

Arts & Culture Program

The Arts & Culture Program facilitates processes that help make and market Tulsa as a place of artistic and cultural tradition and innovation. This program assists in the approval of beautification projects, the maintenance and marketing of public art, and the long-term cultivation of Tulsa’s cultural resources.

Route 66 Initiatives

We provide professional staff support for the Route 66 Commission, and assist in the administration of the Route 66 Neon Grants program.

Sidewalk Cafés and Table & Chairs Permit Program

This program administer’s the City of Tulsa’s program that allows for sidewalk cafés and tables & chairs in the public right-of-way. Learn more.