Berryhill Land Use Plan
In 2018, the Tulsa Planning Office and Tulsa County worked with residents and other stakeholders in the Berryhill community to develop a Land Use Plan to help guide future land use decisions made by the City of Tulsa and Tulsa County.
View the Adopted Plan | Boundary Map | Frequently Asked Questions | Contact
STEP 1: INITIATE Project Kick-Off - February 2018
With Berryhill selected for a Land Use Plan, staff executed the INITIATE step, to finalize the boundary via a City Council and Board of County Commissioners resolution. All property owners within the boundary were notified that the planning process would begin. Staff assisted the City Councilor and County Commissioner to contact key stakeholders to serve on the Citizen Advisory Team, and staff began to gather data required for the plan.
STEP 2: ENGAGE Community Engagement - March 2018 to April 2018
This step began the process of community engagement. The initial meeting of the Citizen Advisory Team (CAT) and staff to provide a brief orientation on the planning process, basic rules of engagement and preliminary discussions about schedule commitments. The CAT was formed as a first line of communication with community residents and stakeholders. The CAT also helps to ensure that the Land Use Plan aligns with the needs, aspirations, and concerns of the Berryhill community.
The Land Use Plan Kick-Off event included introductions of CAT members and planning staff, overviews of the planning process, an introduction to information that will be presented in future plan steps, and time for answering questions.
1. Presentation
2. Hard-Copy of the Kick-Off Survey (For the online version of the survey, click here.)
STEP 3: UNDERSTAND Existing Conditions - May to June 2018
At this step, the process continued to build the Land Use Plan’s foundation with an inventory of existing conditions and key data required to develop the plan. The CAT met on on May 10th and June 27th during this step. During the May 10th meeting, the planning team and CAT discussed existing conditions within the plan area. The agenda for this meeting can be found here. The June 27th meeting began the discussion on the vision statement and land use designations for the Berryhill Land Use Plan. The agenda for this meeting can be found here. The CAT discussed issues and opportunities during during this step and were provided an introduction to Guiding Principles that will describe the plan area’s character and values.
STEP 4: ENVISION Vision Statement and Recommendations - July to August 2018
During this step, the CAT finalized the vision statement for the Berryhill Land Use Plan. The CAT met on July 19th and discussed the land use map that was created at the previous CAT meeting. The CAT meeting also included an introduction to the goals, objectives, and recommendations for the plan. The agenda for this meeting can be found here.
STEP 5: EXPLORE August - November 2018
STEP 5: EXPLORE August 2018 to Present
This step began with a presentation to the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission on the status of the Berryhill Land Use Plan. Planning staff from both the City of Tulsa and INCOG were present to answer the Planning Commission’s questions. On August 27th, the CAT and planning staff hosted an open house. During this open house, community members were presented with an opportunity to learn what the CAT has created thus far. The materials from the stations can be found below.
Station 1: Zoning and Land Use
Station 2: Design Decisions
Station 3: Priorities, Goals, and Recommendations
On September 13th, the CAT met to discuss feedback collected during the open house and review draft land use recommendations. The agenda for this meeting can be found here.
STEP 6: CONSENT Draft Plan Review - September to November 2018
The final step of active community participation continued after staff prepared initial draft material along with the release of the Berryhill Land Use Plan wrap-up survey. Between October 10-24, more than 30 Berryhill stakeholders provided input on the draft land use recommendations and map. At the completion of the survey period, planning staff and members of the CAT met on November 5th, 2018 to review the survey results and any proposed edits to be incorporated into the complete plan draft for public review. The agenda for this meeting can be found here.
STEP 7: LAND USE PLAN Adoption - November 2018 to January 2019
The Executive Summary and details of the Land Use recommendations were adopted by the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC) on December 19th, 2018, approved by the Tulsa Board of County Commissioners on January 14th, 2019 and approved by the Tulsa City Council on January 16th, 2019.