Downtown Tulsa Housing Demand Study and Strategy
The City of Tulsa is partnering with St. Louis-based urban planning and real estate consulting firm Development Strategies to create a Housing Market Demand Study & Strategy for Downtown Tulsa and its surrounding neighborhoods. This study will generate a detailed assessment of housing needs in the project area, and craft a holistic development and policy framework to guide equitable housing investments.
The planning process and the resulting recommendations will strive to prioritize equity, be data-driven, and align partners around a shared vision. Engagement with neighborhood leaders, city agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the development community will serve as the foundation for the planning process, and ensure that recommendations are actionable and closely aligned with community goals, priorities, and concerns.
The primary objectives of the Housing Market Demand Study & Strategy are to:
- Develop a detailed understanding of housing needs in the project area, and identify impediments to meeting those needs.
- Understand and respect the distinct identities and histories of communities within the project area.
- Identify ways in which housing development and preservation can reinforce other community priorities, such as in economic opportunity, workforce attraction, quality of life, and economic development.
- Create a development program to inform the approach to housing investment, including the redevelopment of opportunity sites in the project area.
- Identify the potential to create new tools and policies that allow housing development to better meet community needs in each of the neighborhoods within the project area.
- Evaluate the potential for a wide range of housing typologies that could better meet housing needs and community goals.
- Identify roles for a wide range of partners in the creation of attractive and attainable housing opportunities
For additional information, please see this short document prepared by Development Strategies.