Streetlight Prioritization Analysis

In 2019, the Tulsa Planning Office was asked to help the City of Tulsa’s Streets and Stormwater Department prioritize the installation of new streetlights using a data-driven approach. After a decade-long moratorium on new streetlights, the City wanted to go about the placement of requested lights in a methodical way.  Using mapping software and our strategic planning method, our team mapped and analyzed several indicators to create a Streetlight Urgency Score for each incoming request. Requests with the highest Urgency Scores were recommended to be completed first. » Read the Report

Streetlight Urgency Score
WeightKey IndicatorData Points
50%HazardsConcentration of Crime
Concentration of Collisions involving bicyclists and pedestrians
20%Reliance on Alternative Modes of TransportationConcentration of Sidewalks
Concentration of Bicycle Facilities
Proximity to Bus Rapid Transit Stations
Concentration of Active Transportation Users
20%Nearby NeedsConcentration of Needs-Based Uses, including: Grocery Stores, Schools, Healthcare, Parks, and Employment
10%Economic ConditionsLow Per Capita Incomes
Low Life Expectancies
Low Employment Rates
Low Labor Force Participation
Low Educational Attainment

Map of Streetlight Requests


Streetlight Prioritization Report Cover