Implementation & Tracking

About the Implementation Monitoring Program

The Tulsa Planning Office monitors and supports implementation of adopted small area plans. Small area plans engage communities to create a vision for their community in the next 10-20 years, and include recommendations related to land-use, transportation, housing, and other topics. They are intended as a framework for City and community partner actions, as funding and resources are available. All figures, statuses, and charts are current to July 1, 2021.

View the latest information about the status of each plan linked in the section to the left, or download the most recent Implementation Report.

View Plans
View Map of Plan Areas


Summary of Implementation Status

This report tracks implementation efforts for all plans adopted as amendments to planitulsa.

There are currently 15 active small area plans, with 1,271 plan recommendations. Among all recommendations, 566 (44.5%) are Complete (235) or Ongoing (331), representing a 7% increase over the previous year. 250 recommendations (20%) are In Progress. 414 recommendations (35%) have not been initiated, a decline of 7%. Finally, 41 (3%) have been identified as obsolete.


Status by Recommendation Type

Each recommendation was categorized as a policy, capital project, or action. Policy recommendations had the highest percentage that are Complete or Ongoing (62%), followed by Action recommendations at 52%, and Capital Project
recommendations at 29%.

Status by planitulsa Chapter

Each recommendation was categorized by planitulsa chapter, in order to understand the alignment between recommendations and the Tulsa Comprehensive Plan (planitulsa). Some recommendations align with multiple chapters, but only one was selected. planitulsa is in the process of being updated, and this chart reflects new proposed chapter designations.

The percentage of Complete/Ongoing recommendations varies by plan chapter. The Communities chapter has the highest percentage of Complete/Ongoing recommendations (60%), followed by Housing and Neighborhoods (60%), Public Services (58%), Land Use (56%), Economic Development (50%), History, Culture, and Creativity (50%), Environment and Natural Resources (47%), Transportation (32%), and Parks and Open Space (20%).

Status by Plan Area

The percentage complete/ongoing varies by plan, ranging from a low of 25% to a high of 81%. In general, older plans show a higher level of completion than more recently adopted plans; however, this is not true with the Sequoyah Plan and the Downtown Area Master Plan, which have among the highest percentages of ‘not initiated’ recommendations. More detailed information on plan-specific recommendations is available in the pages that follow. For more information, contact the Tulsa Planning Office.

Overall Figures

Recommendations & Goals

  • Complete 18.5% 18.5%
  • Ongoing 26% 26%
  • In Progress 20% 20%
  • Not Initiated 35% 35%
  • Obsolete 3% 3%


• Complete recommendations have been fully implemented

• Ongoing recommendations have been initiated and are of a continuous nature

• In Progress recommendations have been partially completed or are underway

• Not Initiated recommendations have not yet been initiated

• Obsolete recommendations are not currently recommended for initiation based on a change of conditions or other factors since plan adoption

Neighborhood & Commercial Toolkits

In 2020, our team developed toolkits for neighborhoods or commercial districts to accomplish tasks together. Many recommendations found in small area plans could be accomplished by either group, and these two toolkits provide step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish dozens of activities, complete with resources, contact information, and potential funding sources.

View the Toolkits
Neighborhood Toolkit
Commercial Toolkit


Have a status update on any of the plan recommendations, or want more information? Let us know!

Contact Paulina Baeza at