Annual Report
The Tulsa Planning Office is proud to present our accomplishments during fiscal year 2022. Despite the changing economy and job market leading to significant staff turnover and the added responsibility of recruiting, hiring and training several new staff members, we made significant strides in our day-to-day work, as well as in the formation and implementation of programs.
Several project milestones were reached in the past year and are detailed in this report. One significant accomplishment was the development of the Neighborhood Infill Overlay, both the inclusion of the text in the zoning code and the application of the overlay to neighborhoods surrounding downtown. Other neighborhoods are expressing their interest in expanding the overlay to include their parts of the city.
Interest and work continue on other potential overlays with specific neighborhoods, such as the Neighborhood Character Overlay in Renaissance Neighborhood, and a Historic Preservation Overlay in Tracy Park Neighborhood. Initial work has begun on these overlays, which are anticipated to be finalized in the coming year. We are also nearing completion of our effort to update the Tulsa County Zoning Code, which has not had an overhaul in more than 40 years. We expect adoption of the updated code by the end of calendar year 2022.
This past year saw the completion of a final draft in our work to update planitulsa, and we are excited to bring this to the public for review in late 2022 and early 2023, followed by consideration for adoption by the Planning Commission and City Council.
We are also proud of the progress the Vibrant Neighborhood Partnership and the Destination Districts program have made in the community, as well as other implementation efforts from previous plans and initiatives. Our Strategic Planning program continues to mature, and we are developing meaningful ways to utilize this work for all Tulsans. Specifically, we have worked hard this year to develop the Neighborhoods Condition Index, so all Tulsans can better understand their neighborhoods, identify their areas of priority, and connect to resources to improve their neighborhoods. The program will be ready for rollout and implementation in calendar year 2023.
This report also includes updates regarding the Planning Commission (TMAPC), City and County Boards of Adjustment, Preservation Commission, Arts Commission, and Route 66 Commission. Facing another record year for applications, it has been a busy year for all the boards and staff that support them.
These accomplishments would not be possible if not for the tremendous efforts put forth by the dedicated and talented employees of the Tulsa Planning Office and other entities in the City of Tulsa, and the greater community that supports our work.
Susan Miller, AICP
Director, Tulsa Planning Office