Destination Districts
To create vibrant places in Tulsa where people want to be.
The ultimate goals of the Destination Districts program are stimulating economic development, fostering authentic cultural expression, developing civic pride, and deepening the connections to places that will allow our city to retain talent, attract new residents, and increase tourism opportunities.
Tulsa Destination Districts will be:
• Commercial areas that offer unique cultural, retail, and entertainment opportunities
• Authentic reflections of the unique characteristics of their neighborhood and part of town
• Easily accessible by multiple modes of transportation and highly walkable
• Composed primarily of locally-owned businesses
• Attractive for shopping and entertainment, as well as for living and working
Tulsa Destination Districts will likely thrive where there is:
• Diversity and Density of Uses
• Building Stock and Development Pattern
• Strong Sense of Identity
• Committed People
• Desire and Potential for Growth
The district management organizations that will be formed and supported by the Destination Districts program will be important civic partners in helping Tulsa become a world-class city. These organizations will perform the day-to-day work.
Existing Destination Districts
- Tulsa Global District
- Historic Greenwood Main Street
- Kendall Whittier Main Street
- Route 66 Main Street
View a PDF map of existing Destination Districts
For more information, please contact Sam Extance at or 918.579.9454.