Neon Sign Grant Program


This grant program encourages installation of exterior signage containing at least 25 percent external neon or alternative LED lighting within the Route 66 Overlay District to stimulate the pedestrian realm and to enhance the tourist experience. The preference is for the business name to be included in the neon or LED. The repair or installation of historical or historically-inspired signage, specifically neon or LED, helps promote the redevelopment and revitalization of Route 66. Grants are available up to 50% of the cost of the installation, up to $10,000. Awards are based on available funds.


  1. Check to see if you are eligible for the program based on the Route 66 Overlay boundaries and the grant program eligibility guidelines in the Grant Process document.
  2. Work with a neon sign company to create a preliminary sketch. The City of Tulsa and Tulsa Planning Office cannot recommend a specific designer, but ask to see examples of their work and talk to them about the sign guidelines in the Route 66 Overlay. Be creative! Look for ideas online using hashtags like #neonsigns or #route66neon.
  3. Once you have a concept illustration and quote for cost, complete the grant application and submit it to Tulsa Planning Office contact. If you have questions about the application, contact Tulsa Planning Office or Engineering Services contact.
  4. Your application and preliminary design will be submitted to the Route 66 Commission Preservation and Design subcommittee for review at their monthly meeting.
  5. If your project is recommended, you may continue with the sign permit process. Contact the City of Tulsa Permit Center if you have questions about the sign permit application.
  6. After the sign permit has been approved and staff has recieved a copy, the Mayor will make the final approval, and a contract will be executed by you (the applicant) and the Mayor for the grant amount.
  7. Once you receive a Notice to Proceed, you can commence work on the sign and will be reimbursed the contracted amount upon completion. Important: in order to recieve your reimbursement, you must not begin work before final approval and contract execution.
  8. Show off your sign! Host a lighting ceremony or share it on social media. Invite your city councilor, the media, and the Route 66 Commission to attend. Tag the Tulsa Planning Office and/or Route 66 Commission, or use #route66neon, #route66oklahoma, or #route66tulsa.


Tulsa Planning Office Contact
Bradley Brown, Planner

Neon Sign Grant Process Overview

Tulsa Zoning Map

Route 66 Overlay

Sign Permit Application

City of Tulsa Permit Center
Visit or call 918.596.9456

Route 66 Commission