Historic Preservation Overlay


A Historic Preservation (HP) Overlay is used in multiple Tulsa neighborhoods. The existing, underlying zoning is supplemented by Historic Preservation Zoning to preserve their historic character. Not only does an HP Overlay protect the character of a neighborhood, but it also protects owners’ investments in their property by assuring that new construction and additions are compatible with the character of the district. Proposals for projects are reviewed by the Tulsa Preservation Commission, which relies on the Historic Preservation Design Guidelines. 


  1. If your commercial district is interested in adopting a historic preservation (HP) overlay, start by discussing the process with the Historic Preservation Planner to ensure that your district qualifies based on age, significance, and integrity. Check out the eligibility requirements in the Tulsa Zoning Code (Section 70.070-F). 
  2. Coordinate with district property owners and your City Councilor to gauge interest and support. It is important to have significant support from both the property owners and City Councilor before moving forward
  3. The Historic Preservation Planner will present a report to Tulsa Preservation Commission for a public hearing. Affected properties will receive a notice, and public comment will be reviewed at the Tulsa Preservation Commission meeting. There will also be neighborhood signs posted and notices in the newspaper.
  4. The Tulsa Preservation Commission will forward the application with a recommendation to the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC), which will conduct a public review and afterward, forward its recommendation to City Council.
  5. Tulsa City Council will make the final decision on the HP Overlay. If approved, the Zoning Map will be updated to reflect the HP Overlay. 
  6. Once approved, nearly all exterior projects within the HP Overlay will require the review and approval of the Tulsa Preservation Commission. For more information on this process, check out Section 70.070 of the Tulsa Zoning Code. Contact staff for assistance interpreting the HP Design Guidelines.
  7. Once the overlay is approved, a Historic Preservation Permit will be required before you proceed with your project, unless your project has been determined to be exempt from the requirement. For more information on this process, contact the Historic Preservation Planner.


Tulsa Planning Office Contact
Skylar Marlow-Fuson, Historic Preservation Officer

Tulsa Preservation Commission

Design Guidelines: Non-Residential and Mixed Use Structures

Tulsa Zoning Code