Parking Requirement Relief
Toolkit Contents
- Start a Business Association
- Placemaking
- Organize a District Cleanup and Graffiti Removal
- Report Code Violations
- Create a National Register District
- Right-of-Way Programs
- Parking Requirement Relief
- Historic Preservation Overlay
- Neon Sign Grant Program
- Request Mixed-Use Zoning Along BRT Route
If you are building or renovating a building for a business outside of downtown, you will likely encounter minimum parking requirements. To prevent minimum parking requirements from becoming an economic burden to businesses, there is some flexibility built into the Tulsa Zoning Code, including: shared parking agreements, public parking, bicycle parking, car share parking, on-street parking, parking alternatives, and reductions or exemptions in certain zoning districts.
For more information on parking requirements and other options, contact Tulsa Planning Office staff.
Review the Zoning Map to identify what zoning district your selected parcel is in.
Review the Parking Chapter of the Zoning Code to identify how much parking you are required to have (Table 55-1). Are you in one of the exemption areas? Check to see if your parcel is in CBD Zoning (downtown), Historic Preservation overlay, or a building on the National Historic Register. You can check about historic preservation or the National Historic Register at
You may also be exempt from some parking requirements if you are zoned Commercial High (CH). The first 5,000 sqft of certain uses is exempt from parking.
If there is nearby public parking or on-street parking, use the calculations in the Zoning Code to determine how much of your parking this can replace (Section 55-050-H through I).
Are there nearby businesses that you could share parking with? Talk to your neighbors about a shared parking agreement and contact the Tulsa Planning Office for an example agreement. Use the calculation in the Tulsa Zoning Code to determine how much of your parking this can replace (Section 55-050-J).
Have you considered providing designated motorcycle, scooter, bike share, or car share parking? Each of these can reduce the amount of parking you are required to provide (Section 55-050-E through G).
If none of these options work and you still feel like you need to reduce your parking requirement, there is an alternative compliance option with an approved parking study. Talk to Tulsa Planning Office staff before hiring someone to conduct the study to make sure all neccesary information and data is gathered.
Does your proposed parcel have too much parking? Check out the Placemaking project in this Toolkit for information about how to reuse that space in a more active way! Alternatively, you can implement one of the right-of-way programs in private space without going through the permit process. Contact City of Tulsa Development Services before initiating any construction because you will likely still need building permits.
Tulsa Planning Office Contact
Nathan Foster
City of Tulsa Permit Center
Visit or call 918.596.9456
Tulsa Zoning Code
Tulsa Zoning Map
Tulsa Preservation Commission