
City Board of Adjustment
Sep 24 @ 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Planning Commission
Oct 2 @ 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
City Board of Adjustment
Oct 8 @ 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Planning Commission
Oct 16 @ 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
City Board of Adjustment
Oct 22 @ 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Tulsa City Council Chambers
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tuesday, October 22, 2019, 1:00 P.M.

Meeting No. 1239

Complete Agenda Packet


  1. 22714—Diana Capehart
    Appeal of a decision by the Tulsa Preservation Commission to deny Historic Permit Application #HP-0116-2019 to permit the replacement of a tile roof with shingles (Section 70.070-L).  LOCATION:  1110 East 18th Street South  (CD 9) Exhibit
  2. 22757—Michael Sager
    Variance to reduce the required 10-foot street setback in an IM District (Section 15.030, Table 15-3).  LOCATION: 302 South Peoria Avenue East  (CD 4) Exhibit


  1. 22759—Beverly Dowell
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  2633 East 15th Street South, Suite A  (CD 4) Exhibit
  2. 22760—Said Islam
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  6530 East 21st Street South  (CD 5) Exhibit
  3. 22761—Mary Beth Babcock
    Variance to permit two freestanding signs in a CH District to exceed the maximum permitted display area (Section 60.080-C).  LOCATION:  1347 East 11th Street South  (CD 4) Exhibit
  4. 22762—A-Max Sign Company
    Variance to permit a 252 square foot freestanding ground sign to be installed on a property with no street frontage (Section 60.080-C).  LOCATION:  801 North Mingo Road East  (CD 3) Exhibit
  5. 22763—Eller & Detrich – Lou Reynolds
    Appeal of the Administrative Decision issued in Zoning Code Interpretation #2019-01 that a Major Amendment is required to PUD-230 in order to permit a school use (Section 70.140).  LOCATION:  3810 & 3840 South 103rd East Avenue  (CD 7) Exhibit
  6. 22764—Jeff Robinson
    Variance to allow a swimming pool to be constructed in the side street setback (Section 90.090-C, Table 90-1).  LOCATION:  1325 East 18th Street South  (CD 4) Exhibit
  7. 22765—DelRay Collective, LLC
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  18920 East Admiral Place South  (CD 6) Exhibit
  8. 22766—Shawn Strong
    Variance to allow for more than  25% coverage of the rear setback for a detached accessory structure (Section 90.090-C.2); Variance to allow a detached accessory structure to exceed 18 feet in height (Section 90.090. C); Variance of the required 5-foot side setback (Section 5.030-A).  LOCATION:  2217 East 23rd Street South  (CD 4) Exhibit
  9. 22767—Stephen Gaulin
    Special Exception to permit a fence in the street setback to exceed 4 feet in height (Section 45.080-A).  LOCATION:  1366 East 27th Place South  (CD 4) Exhibit
  10. 22768—Tom Neal
    Variance to allow more than 30% coverage in the rear setback for a detached accessory building (Section 90.090-C.2).  LOCATION:  1716 South Quaker Avenue East  (CD 4) Exhibit
  11. 22769—Nyesha Barre
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  1406 North Harvard Avenue East, Suite F  (CD 3) Exhibit
  12.  22770—Headquarters 66 – Charles Lewis
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  9306 East 11th Street South  (CD 5) Exhibit



  1. Review and Approval of 2020 Meeting Schedule. Exhibit




If you require special accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify INCOG (918) 584-7526

Website:                      E-mail:

CD = Council District

NOTE: If you require special accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify INCOG at 918-584-7526. Exhibits, Petitions, Pictures, etc., presented to the Board of Adjustment may be received and deposited in case files to be maintained at Tulsa Planning Office at INCOG. All electronic devices must be silenced during the Board of Adjustment meeting.

NOTE:  This agenda is for informational purposes only and is not an official posting. Please contact the Tulsa Planning Office at 918-584-7526 if you require an official posted agenda.

Planning Commission
Nov 6 @ 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Meeting No. 2805
November 6, 2019, 1:30 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber

Complete Agenda Packet


Call to Order


Chairman’s Report
Work session Report
Director’s Report

All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.

  1. PUD-660-3 Mary Lynn Saurino (CD 2) Location: East of the southeast corner of West 71st Street South and South Elwood Avenue requesting a PUD Minor Amendment to remove the requirement for a screening fence. Exhibit
  2. PUD-696-B-5 Ashton Gray, LLC (CD 2) Location: South of the southwest corner of East 91st Street South and South Delaware Avenue requesting a PUD Minor Amendment to reallocate floor area to permit a lot split. Exhibit


  1. Z-7503 David Henke/City Council(CD 4) Location: North of the Northeast corner of East 11th Street South and South Peoria Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-4 and CH to MX1-U-U a (Continued from October 16, 2019) Exhibit
  2. Z-7504 Erik Enyart (CD 2) Location: South of the southwest corner of West 81st Street South and South Union Avenue requesting rezoning from AG to RS-3 with optional development plan to permit single-family subdivision (Continued from October 16, 2019) Exhibit
  3. Z-7505 Mark Capron (CD 8) Location: Northwest of the northwest corner of East 111th Street South and South Memorial Drive requesting rezoning from AG to RS-3 and RT to permit single-family homes and townhouses (Continued from October 16, 2019) Exhibit
  4. CZ-495 Brandon Conrad (County) Location: Northwest of the northwest corner of East 56th Street North and North 145th East Avenue requesting rezoning from RS to AG to permit agricultural uses Exhibit
  5. Z-7508 AC Hutton  (CD 1) Location: Northwest corner of East 46th Street North and North Elgin Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to IL with optional development plan (Applicant requests continuance to November 20, 2019) Exhibit
  6. Z-7509 Alberto Perez (CD 1) Location: South of the southeast corner of East Newton Street and North Main Street requesting rezoning from RS-4 to RS-5 Exhibit
  7. Z-7510 Boomtown Development Co. (CD 3) Location: South of the southwest corner of East Admiral Place and South 89th East Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-2 to RS-4 Exhibit
  8. PUD-367-A Stuart Van De Wiele (CD 6) Location: South of the southeast corner of East 31st Street South and Highway 169 requesting rezoning from PUD-367 to PUD-367-A (Related to Z-7511) Exhibit
  9. Z-7511 Stuart Van De Wiele (CD 6) Location: South of the southeast corner of East 31st Street South and Highway 169 requesting rezoning from CS and RM-1 to IL, CS and RM-1(Related to PUD-367-A) Exhibit
  10.  PUD-848-A Ryan McCarty(County) Location: South and east of the southeast corner of East 161st Street South and South Lewis Avenue requesting PUD Major Amendment to abandon PUD-848 (Related to CZ-496) Exhibit
  11. CZ-496 Ryan McCarty(County) Location: South and east of the southeast corner of East 161st Street South and South Lewis Avenue requesting rezoning from RE to AG-R (Related to PUD-848-A) Exhibit
  12.  MR-19 (CD 1) Modification to the Subdivision & Development Regulations to remove the sidewalk requirement for a new single-family residence, Location: West of the northwest corner of North Quanah Avenue and West Xyler Street Exhibit
  13. MR-20(CD 1) Modification to the Subdivision & Development Regulations to remove the sidewalk requirement for a new single-family residence, Location: North of the northeast corner of East Queen Street and North Norfolk Avenue Exhibit
  14. MR-21(CD 1) Modification to the Subdivision & Development Regulations to remove the sidewalk requirement for a new single-family residence, Location: North of the northwest corner of East Queen Street and North Owasso Avenue Exhibit

Other Business

  1. Adopt a resolution of the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission determining that the First Amended Downtown Area Economic Development Project Plan is in conformance with the Tulsa Comprehensive Plan and recommending to the City of Tulsa the approval and adoption of the First Amended Downtown Area Economic Development Project Plan. Resolution No. 2805:1007. Exhibit
  1. Proposed 2020 TMAPC Meeting Dates Exhibit
  1. Commissioners’ Comments


CD = Council District

NOTE: If you require special accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify INCOG  at 918-584-7526.

Exhibits, Petitions, Pictures, etc., presented to the Planning Commission may be received and deposited in case files to be maintained at Tulsa Planning Office at INCOG. All electronic devices must be silenced during Planning Commission meetings.


Nov 11 all-day

The Tulsa Planning Office is CLOSED for Veterans’ Day.

City Board of Adjustment
Nov 12 @ 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Tulsa City Council Chambers

175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 1:00 P.M.

Meeting No. 1240


  1. Approval of Minutes of October 8, 2019 (Meeting No. 1238).


  1. 22757—Michael Sager
    Variance to reduce the required 10-foot street setback in an IM District (Section 15.030, Table 15-3).  LOCATION: 302 South Peoria Avenue East  (CD 4)
  1. 22763—Eller & Detrich – Lou Reynolds
    Appeal of the Administrative Decision issued in Zoning Code Interpretation #2019-01 that a Major Amendment is required to PUD-230 in order to permit a school use (Section 70.140).  LOCATION:  3810 & 3840 South 103rd East Avenue  (CD 7) (Case Withdrawn by Applicant)
  1. 22770—Headquarters 66 – Charles Lewis
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  9306 East 11th Street South (CD 5)


  1. 22771—Brent Barnes
    Special Exception to allow a Large Commercial Assembly & Entertainment Use (more than 250) in the CS District in order to permit a Comedy Club (Section 15.020, Table 15-2).  LOCATION:  5970 & 5974 East 31st Street South (CD 5) 
  1. 22772—Cannabis Galleria, Inc.
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  6130 South Union Avenue West (CD 2)
  1. 22773—Greg Sandella
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  6519 East 46th Street South (CD 5)
  1. 22774—Tulsa Gathering Place, LLC
    Special Exception to allow a Parks and Recreation Use and a Cultural Exhibit to permit the expansion of The Gathering Place and construction of the Children’s Museum in a RM-1, RM-2, and RS-3 Districts (Section 5.020).  LOCATION:  131 East 31st Place South and 3137 South Boston Court East (CD 4)
  1. 22775—Stephanie Dunn
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  9402 East 55th Place South, Suite B (CD 7)
  1. 22776—Donnie Volkl
    Variance of the allowable square footage for detached accessory buildings in the RS-3 District (Section 45.030); Variance to allow a detached accessory building to exceed one story or 18 feet in height (Section 90.090-C.2).  LOCATION:  2626 West 79th Street South (CD 2)
  1. 22777—Todd Shust
    Variance of the 35-foot front street setback in an RS-1 District (Section 5-030).  LOCATION:  4424 South Gary Avenue East (CD 9)
  1. 22778—GH2 Architects – Jameson Shaffer
    Variance to allow structures to project into the street right-of-way to permit construction of canopies (Section 90-090).  LOCATION:  410 South Main Street (CD 4)
  1. 22779—M D Haq
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  6322 South Peoria Avenue East (CD 2)
  1. 22780—Tulsa Habitat for Humanity
    Variance to reduce the building setback on a corner lot from 40 feet to 30 feet from the centerline of an abutting street in an RM-1 District (Section 90.090-A, Table 5-3); Variance to reduce the building setback from 50 feet to 40 feet from the centerline of an abutting street  in an RM-1 District (Section 90.090-A, Table 5-3).  LOCATION:  1235 North Trenton Avenue East (CD 1)
  1. 22782—Magdaleno Jaimes
    Special Exception to permit a carport in the street setback and street yard with modifications to the allowable height, width, length and setback requirements (Section 90.090-C.1).  LOCATION:  6851 East King Place East (CD 3)
  1. 22783—Tony Jordan
    Variance to reduce the required 25-foot rear setback in an RS-1/RS-2 District (Section 5.030, Table 5-3).  LOCATION:  2407 East 26th Place South (CD 4)
  1. 22784—Anthony Smith
    Variance of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  814 South Sheridan Road East (CD 5)
  1. 22785—Cindy Davis
    Verification of the 300-foot spacing requirement for a family home daycare from another family home daycare (Section 45.070).  LOCATION:  7415 East 83rd Street South (CD 8)
  1. 22786—Tanner Consulting, LLC
    Variance of the dustless, all-weather surfacing requirement to permit a gravel driveway in the AG District (Section 55.090-F).  LOCATION:  7323 South Elwood Avenue West (CD 2)
  1. 22787—Chong Xiong
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  4701 East 11th Street South – TENANT SPACE: 4713 East 11th Street South (CD 4)
  1. 22788—Wallace Engineering
    Variance to reduce the required Transparency Percentages for a building façade in a MX-1-U District (Section 10.030-C, Table 10-5); Variance of the required minimum parking ratios for an Apartment/Condo in an MX-1-U District (Section 55.020, Table 55-1).  LOCATION:  North of West 23rd Street South and South of West 21st Street South between Southwest Boulevard and South Jackson Avenue West (CD 2)
  1. 22789—Jay Hubbell
    Variance to reduce the 35-foot side setback from an arterial street in a RS-3 District (Section 5.030, Table 5-3).  LOCATION:  1948 South Florence Avenue East (CD 4)
  1. 22790—Jesse Strickland
    Variance to reduce the 25-foot rear setback in an RS-1 District (Section 5.030-A, Table 5-3).  LOCATION:  4728 South Lewis Court East (CD 9)
  1. 22791—Amber Hager
    Verification of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION: 503 North Peoria Avenue East (CD 1)
  1. 22792—Josh Kunkel
    Special Exception to permit a Large Commercial Assembly and Entertainment use (more than 250-person capacity) in an IL District to permit expansion of an existing gymnastics facility (Section 15.020-C).  LOCATION:   7020 East 38th Street South (CD 5)
  1. 22793—Tracey Diehl
    Special Exception to permit signage in the Right-of-Way (Section 60.020-E); Special Exception to allow directional and way-finding signage for business establishments in an IMX District (Section 60.090-3); Variance to permit directional and way-finding signage to be permitted in the right-of-way and not on the lot containing the use (Section 60.090-3).  LOCATION:  Pedestrian Bridges connecting St. John’s Hospital above Wheeling Avenue between East 19th Street South and East 21st Street South (CD 4)





Website:                      E-mail:

CD = Council District

NOTE: If you require special accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify Tulsa Planning Office at 918-584-7526. Exhibits, Petitions, Pictures, etc., presented to the Board of Adjustment may be received and deposited in case files to be maintained at Tulsa Planning Office, INCOG. ALL electronic devices MUST be silenced during the Board of Adjustment meeting.

NOTE: This agenda is for informational purposes only and is not an official posting. Please contact the Tulsa Planning Office at 918-584-7526 if you require an official posted agenda.

Planning Commission
Nov 20 @ 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Meeting No. 2806

November 20, 2019, 1:30 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber

Complete Agenda Packet


Call to Order


Chairman’s Report
Work session Report
Director’s Report

  1. Minutes of October 16, 2019, Meeting No. 2804



All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion.  Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.

  1. 75 South Mini Storage (CD 2) Change of Access, Location: Northeast corner of West 91st Street South and South Union Avenue



  1. CZ-494 Alan Betchan (County) Location: Northeast corner of East 106th Street North and North Memorial Drive requesting rezoning from RE to RS to permit a single-family subdivision (Related to 106th ~ Memorial Preliminary Plat and PUD-855) (Continued from October 16, 2019)
  2. PUD-855 Alan Betchan (County) Location: Northeast corner of East 106th Street North and North Memorial Drive requesting rezoning from RE to RS to permit a single-family subdivision (Related to 106th ~ Memorial Preliminary Plat and CZ-494)
  3. 106th – Memorial (County) Preliminary Plat, Location: Northeast corner of East 106th Street North and North Memorial Drive (Related to CZ-494 and PUD-855) (Continued from October 16, 2019)
  4. Z-7506 Mike Thedford (CD 2) Location: South of the southeast corner of West 81st Street South and South Maybelle Avenue requesting rezoning from AG to RS-4 to permit single-family homes (Continued from October 16, 2019 – original application requested RS-5)
  5. Z-7503 David Henke/City Council (CD 4) Location: North of the Northeast corner of East 11th Street South and South Peoria Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-4 and CH to MX1-F-U (Continued from October 16, 2019 and November 6, 2019 – original application requested MX1-U-U)
  6. Z-7508 AC Hutton (CD 1) Location: Northwest corner of East 46th Street North and North Elgin Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to IL with optional development plan (Continued from November 6, 2019)
  7. Z-7512 Timothy Johnson (CD 1) Location: East of the southeast corner of East 56th Street North and North Lewis Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to AG
  8. CZ-497 John Denham (County) Location: West of the southwest corner of West 51st Street South and South 85th West Avenue requesting rezoning from RS to AG
  9. MR-22 (CD 9) Modification to the Subdivision & Development Regulations to remove the sidewalk requirement for a new single-family residence, Location: Southeast corner of East 37th Place South and South Rockford Avenue

Other Business

  1. Discuss proposed Subdivision and Development Regulations amendments to align with the proposed Sidewalk Ordinance
  2. Commissioners’ Comments


CD = Council District

NOTE: If you require special accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify INCOG  at 918-584-7526.

Exhibits, Petitions, Pictures, etc., presented to the Planning Commission may be received and deposited in case files to be maintained at Tulsa Planning Office at INCOG. All electronic devices must be silenced during Planning Commission meetings.


Nov 28 – Nov 29 all-day

The Tulsa Planning Office is CLOSED for Thanksgiving.