Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Tulsa City Council Chambers
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 1:00 P.M.

Meeting No. 1283

Agenda Packet 

The City Board of Adjustment will be held in the Tulsa City Council Chambers and by videoconferencing and teleconferencing.

Board of Adjustment applicants and members of the public may attend and participate in the in the Board of Adjustment meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing by joining from a computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Attend in Person: 175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center

Attend Virtually:

Attend by Phone:  312-626-6799           Meeting ID: 843 1810 9026


If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Remember to reference the case number and include your name and address.

Mail or In Person: City of Tulsa BOA c/o INCOG, 2 W. 2nd St., Suite 800, Tulsa, OK 74103


At this Meeting the Board of Adjustment, in accord with and pursuant to applicable Board of Adjustment Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, amend, modify, approve with amendment(s) or modification(s), deny, reject, or defer any action on any item listed on this Agenda.

Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:

  1. Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2021 (Meeting No. 1281).



Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:

  1. 23146—Wallace Engineering – Mike ThedfordSpecial Exception to allow a Public, Civic & Institutional/Governmental Service or Similar Functions Use (Community Center/Caring Center Downtown) in the CBD District (Section 15.020, Table 15-2). LOCATION: 305 South Detroit Avenue East (CD 4)


  1. 23187—Omar AhmadiehSpecial Exception to increase the permitted driveway width in a Residential District (Section 55.090-F.3). LOCATION: 5508 South 30th West Avenue (CD 2)


  1. 23193—Wallace Design Collective – Jim BeachSpecial Exception to modify a previously approved site plan for a university in a residential district (Section 5.020, Table 5-2 & Section 70.120); Variance to increase the maximum permitted height of 35 feet in an RS-3 District (Section 5.030, Table 5-3). LOCATION: 7777 South Lewis Avenue East (CD 2)



Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:

  1. 23194—Encinos 3D Custom Products & SignsVariance to permit a dynamic display sign within 20 feet of the driving surface (Section 60.100-E); Variance to permit a dynamic display sign within 200 feet of a residentially zoned lot (Section 60.100-F). LOCATION: 4424 East 11th Street South & 1116 South Toledo Avenue East (CD 4)


  1. 23195—Seth & Jenni HutchinsSpecial Exception to permit an accessory dwelling unit in an AG District (Section 45.031). LOCATION: 4953 East 113th Street South (CD 8)


  1. 23196—Vincent Travis ThorntonSpecial Exception to permit an alternative compliance parking ratio for a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in an IM District to reduce the minimum parking requirements from seven parking spaces to zero parking spaces (Section 55.050-K & Section 55.020, Table 55-1). LOCATION: 1217 East Admiral Boulevard (CD 1)


  1. 23197—Raul CisnerosVariance to reduce required 25-foot street setback to permit an addition to an existing structure (Section 5.030, Table 5-3). LOCATION: 1446 South 157th Avenue East (CD 6)


  1. 23198—Keith RobertsonSpecial Exception to permit a Commercial Service / Building Service Use in a CS District (Section 15.020, Table 15-2). LOCATION: 8310 East 11th Street South (CD 5)


  1. 23199—Eller & Detrich – Lou ReynoldsAppeal of the Administrative Decision issued in Case No. ZONV-050120-2021 (the “Decision”) pursuant to Section 70.140 of the Tulsa Zoning Code (the “Code”) for property located at 2667 S. Trenton Ave. The Decision found that an art sculpture on the Property (1) constitutes a sign; (2) is advertising a home occupation on the Property; (3) requires a permit; and (4) is located in the front building setback. LOCATION: 2667 South Trenton Avenue East (CD 4)


  1. 23200—Eller & Detrich – Nathalie CornettVariance to reduce the required setbacks; Variance to allow a home and carport to be located in the planned right-of-way of West Edison Street to permit an addition to an existing, non-conforming home on a non-conforming lot (Section 5.030-A, Table 5-3 & Section 90.090-A); Special Exception to allow a carport to be located in the street yard and street setback (Section 90.090-C.1). LOCATION: 1314 West Edison Street North


  1. 23201—Wallace Design Collective – Mike ThedfordVariance of the parking area design regulations to reduce the required drive aisle width from 24 feet (Section 55.090-D, Table 55-5). LOCATION: NW/c of East Cameron Street North & North Detroit Avenue East (CD 4)




  1. Review and Approval of 2022 Meeting Schedule