Regularly Scheduled Meeting Tulsa City Council Chambers
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 1:00 P.M.
Meeting No. 1296
If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Remember to reference the case number and include your name and address.
Mail or In Person: City of Tulsa BOA c/o INCOG, 2 W. 2nd St., Suite 800 Tulsa, OK 74103
At this Meeting the Board of Adjustment, in accord with and pursuant to applicable Board of Adjustment Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, amend, modify, approve with amendment(s) or modification(s), deny, reject, or defer any action on any item listed on this Agenda.
- Approval of Minutes from April 12, 2022 (Meeting 1292)
- Approval of Minutes from April 26, 2022 (Meeting 1293)
- Approval of Minutes from May 10, 2022 (Meeting 1294)
Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:
- 23319 – Jason Evans – Variance to allow the floor area of a detached accessory building to exceed 500 square feet and 40% of the floor area of the principal residential structure (Sec. 45.030-A.2); Variance of the 35-foot setback from an arterial street. (Sec. 5.020, Table 5-2); Variance to permit a Detached Accessory Building exceeding 10-feet in height to the top of the top plate in the rear setback (Sec. 90.090-C) LOCATION: 4217 E. 15th St. (CD 4)
- 23332 – Cheryl Harlin Jones – Variance of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Sec. 40.225-D) LOCATION: 2730 S Harvard Ave (CD 4)
- 23335 – Jack Taber – Special Exception to permit a Self-service Storage Facility in a CS District (Sec. 15.020, Table 15-2) LOCATION: 7626 E 51 ST S (CD 7)
- 23341 – Jason Coutant – Special Exception to allow a wall or fence to exceed 8-feet in height (Sec. 45.080-A) LOCATION: 1257 E Hazel Blvd (CD 4)
- 23351- Tulsa Precise Investments LLC – Special Exception to permit a duplex in the RS-4 District (Table 5.020, Table 5-2, Table 5-2.5); Special Exception to increase the permitted driveway width in a Residential District (Section 55.090-F.3). LOCATION: 1015 East Young Street (CD 1)
- 23352 – Jeremy Wilkinson – Special Exception to permit a duplex in the RS-3 district (Table 5.020, Table 5-2, Table 5-2.5). LOCATION: 4013 South Louisville Avenue (CD 9)
Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:
- 23359 – John Shafer – Variance of the minimum 5,500 square foot lot area and lot area per unit in the RM-2 District to permit a lot split (Sec. 5.030-A, Table 5-3); Variance of the minimum 10-foot street setback, and 10-foot rear setback in the RM-2 District to permit a lot split (Sec. 5.030-A, Table 5-3) LOCATION: Southeast corner of S Yorktown Ave and E 1st St (CD 1)
- 23360 – Tom Neal – Variance to reduce the required 25-foot street setback in the RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030-A, Table 5-3) LOCATION: 3127 S. Rockford Dr. (CD 9)
- 23361 – Robert Garand – Special Exception to permit an Accessory Dwelling Unit in the RE District (Sec. 45.031-D) Special Exception to permit a fence or wall to exceed 4-feet in height inside the required front street setback (Sec. 45.080-A) LOCATION; 2103 E 47th St. (CD 9)
- 23362 – Sharde Dorsey – Special Exception to permit a Daycare use in the IL zoning district (Sec.15.020, Table 15-2) LOCATION; 1601 E. Marshall St (CD 1)
- 23364 – Susan Jones – Variance to reduce the 3-foot setback for a detached accessory building from the rear lot line (Sec. 90.090-C.2.b) LOCATION; 5922 E. 54th St. (CD 9)
- 23366 – Stuart VanDeWiele – Special Exception to permit the following use categories: Commercial vehicle repair/maintenance, Commercial vehicle sales and rentals, Personal vehicle sales and rentals, and Vehicle body and paint finishing shop in the CS Zoning District (Sec. 15.020, Table 15-2); Variance to remove the screening requirement for Vehicle Sales and Service Uses from R- or AG-R zoned lots and the requirement that vehicle display areas meet the parking area design standards of Sec. 55.090 (Sec. 40.400-A,-B) Variance to allow outdoor merchandise display within 300-feet of an abutting R- of AG-R district (Section 15.040-A) Special Exception to permit alternative compliance parking ratios in the CS District to reduce the required number of parking spaces for Vehicle Sales and Service Uses in the CS District (Section 55.050-K; Section 55.020 Table 55-1) LOCATION; 4906 S. Memorial Dr. (CD 5)
- 23368 – Blake Boswell – Special Exception to permit the storage of motorized vehicles on a surface other than one consisting of a dustless, all-weather surface outside of the required building setbacks to permit a gravel driveway (Sec. 55.090-F-2) LOCATION; 4920 S. 177th E. Ave. (CD 6)
- 23369 – Jim Beach, Wallace Design Collective – Special Exception to modify a previously approved site plan for a university in a residential district (Sec. 5.020, Table 5-2, Sec. 70.120) Variance to increase the maximum permitted height of 35-feet in an RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030-A, Table 5-3) LOCATION; 7777 S. Lewis Ave. (CD 2)
- 23370 – Bruce Lau – Special Exception to increase the permitted driveway width in a Residential District (Section 55.090-F.3) LOCATION; 8127 S. Pittsburg Ave. (CD 8)
- 23371 – Tom Neal – Special Exception to allow an Accessory Dwelling Unit in the RS-3 District (45.031-D); Variance to allow the floor area of Detached Accessory Buildings/ Dwelling Units to exceed 500 square feet and 40% of the floor area of the principal residential structure (Section 45.030-A, 45.031-D.6); Variance to allow a Detached Accessory Building/ Dwelling Unit to exceed one story or 18-feet in height and to exceed 10-feet in height to the top of the top plate in the rear setback and to allow more than 30% coverage of the rear setback by an Accessory Building/Dwelling Unit in the RS-3 District (Section 90.090-C2); Variance to allow a Detached Accessory Building in the side setback (Sec. 90.090-C, Table 90-1) LOCATION; 1724 S Delaware Ave (CD 4)
- 23372 – Nathalie Cornett – Variance to allow more than 25% coverage of the rear setback by a Detached Accessory Building (Sec.90.090-C.2) Variance to reduce the side street setback from 15-feet to 2-feet for a covered patio (Section 5.030-A, Table 5-3) LOCATION; 2667 S. Trenton Ave. (CD 4)
- 23373 – Anthony Chau – Special Exception to allow a Low-impact Manufacturing and Industry Use in the CH District to permit a Microbrewery (Sec. 15.020, Table 15-2) LOCATION; 2501 E. 15th St. (CD 4)
- Election of Officers: Seats currently held are: Austin Bond – Chair; Burlinda Radney – Vice Chair; Steve Brown – Secretary; Tomas Barrientos; Tyler Wallace