TAC Agenda
TAC 12/05/2024
Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission-
Technical Advisory Committee
Thursday, December 5, 2024, 1:30 p.m.
175 E. 2nd St., Fourth Level, OTC-04 Information Exchange, Tulsa, OK 74103
TMAPC Date: 12/18/2024
How to Participate
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Meeting ID: 292 422 870 084
Passcode: boRoPA
Items to be considered and Discussed:
1. Magnolia Crossing II
Location: West of the Southwest corner of East 171st Street South and South Sheridan Road (Tulsa County)
Applicant: Select Design
Action Requested: Approval of a Preliminary Plat
2. Mill Creek Estates
Location: North of the Northeast corner of West 111th Street South and South 33rd West Ave (Tulsa County)
Applicant: Tim Terrel, TEP
Action Requested: Approval of a Preliminary Plat
3. Huntington Park 2
Location: South and East of the Southeast corner of East 41st Street South and South 177th East Avenue (Lynn Lane)
City Council: 6
Applicant: C. Joseph Watt, P.E.
Action Requested: Approval of a Preliminary Plat (Preliminary Plat previously approved on August 3rd, 2022 , approval expired on August 3rd, 2024)