Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Tulsa City Council Chambers
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level
One Technology Center
Tuesday, September 26th, 2023, 1:00 PM
Meeting No. 1324
If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Remember to reference the case number and include your name and address.
Mail or In Person: City of Tulsa BOA, 175 E. 2nd St., Suite 480 Tulsa 74103
- 23557 – Lou Reynolds
Action Requested: Special Exception to permit a Library in the RS-3 District (Table 5.020, Table 5-2, Table 5-2.5); Variance to reduce the required 25-foot street setback in the RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030-A, Table 5-3)
Location: 1110 E. 45th Pl. S. (CD 9)
(Item was approved on August 8th, 2023; the Board moved to reconsider item on September 12th, 2023)
- 23562 – Lou Reynolds
Action Requested: Special Exception to permit a Freestanding Monopole Communications Tower in the AG District (Sec. 25.020-, Table 25-2) and to reduce the required setback of the Tower from an adjoining AG zoned lot (Sec. 40.420-E.6.a)
Location: 11211 S. Yale Ave. (CD 8)
(Motion to approve item failed on August 8th, 2023; the Board moved to reconsider item on September 12th, 2023)
- 23550 – Cyntergy/Linda Waytula
Action Requested: Variance to allow drive-through facilities to be located on the street-facing side of the property (Sec. 55.100-C.2)
Location: NE/c of S. Braden Ave. & E. 51st Street S. (CD 5)
- 23569 – Mark Capron
Action Requested: Variance to allow drive-through facilities to be located on the street-facing side of the property (Sec. 55.100-C.2)
Location: SE/c of 21st St. S. & S. Vandalia (CD 4)
- 23570 – Joel Collins
Action Requested: Variance to allow the floor area of detached accessory buildings to exceed 500 square feet and 40% of the floor area of the principal residential structure (Section 45.030-A,); Variance to permit more than 30% coverage of the rear setback by Detached Accessory Buildings (Sec.90.090-C, Table 90-2); Variance to reduce the minimum open space requirement of 4,000 square feet in the RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030-A, Table 5-3)
Location: 1616 S. Florence Ave. (CD 4)
- 23571 – Raul Cisneros
Action Requested: Special Exception to permit a duplex in the RS-3 district (Table 5.020, Table 5-2, Table 5-2.5)
Location: 1732 S. Jamestown Ave. (CD 4)
- 23572 – Atul Sood
Action Requested: Special Exception to permit the alteration, expansion, or enlargement of a structure with an existing non-conforming street setback (Sec. 80.030-D)
Location: 4216 S. 25th W. Ave. (CD 2)
- 23573 – Timothy Jay Roberts
Action Requested: Special Exception to permit a Detached House in the OM District (Sec. 15.020-H, Table 15-2.5) Variance to permit greater than 0.50 Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) in the OM District (Sec. 15.030; Table 15-3)
Location: 1639 S. Carson Ave. (CD 4)
- 23574 – Regina Dake
Action Requested: Special Exception to permit a duplex in the RS-3 district (Table 5.020, Table 5-2, Table 5-2.5)
Location: 6330 N. Elwood Ave. (CD 1)
- 23575 – Nancy Gallimore & Lawanna Smith
Action Requested: Special Exception to permit an Animal Boarding Facility in the CS District (Sec. 15.020, Table 15-2)
Location: 5331 E. 41st St. (CD 5)
- 23576 – Little Gurus Steam Academy
Action Requested: Special Exception to permit a sign in the right-of-way or planned right-of-way (60.020-E)
Location: 1020 N. Peoria Ave. (CD 1)
- 23577 – Tim Sprik-Sprik Properties, LLC
Action Requested: Variance to reduce the required 25-foot street setback in the RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030-A, Table 5-3); Variance to reduce the minimum open space requirement of 4,000 square feet in the RS-3 District (Sec. 5.030-A, Table 5-3)
Location: 1517 E. 39th St. (CD 9)
- 23578 – Meenakshi Krishnasamy
Action Requested: Special Exception to amend a previously approved site plan for a Religious Assembly Use in the AG District (25.020, Table 25-2; Sec. 70.120)
Location: 16943 E. 21st St. (CD 6)
- 23579 – Joe Medina
Action Requested: Special Exception to increase the allowed fence height of 4-feet inside the street setback (Sec. 45.080-A)
Location: 6308 & 6320 S. Owasso Ave. (CD 2)