Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Tulsa City Council Chambers
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 1:00 P.M.

Meeting No. 1277

Agenda Packet 

The City Board of Adjustment will be held in the Tulsa City Council Chambers and by videoconferencing and teleconferencing.

Board of Adjustment applicants and members of the public may  attend and participate in the in the Board of Adjustment meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing by joining from a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Attend in Person: 175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Attend Virtually:
Attend by Phone: 1 312 626 6799 US     Meeting ID: 851 1857 4551

If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 AM the day of the hearing. Remember to reference the case number and include your name and address.

Mail or In Person: City of Tulsa BOA c/o INCOG, 2 W. 2nd St., Suite 800, Tulsa, OK 74103


At this Meeting the Board of Adjustment, in accord with and pursuant to applicable Board of Adjustment Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, amend, modify, approve with amendment(s) or modification(s), deny, reject, or defer any action on any item listed on this Agenda.

Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:



  1. 23142—Una VangVariance of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION:  12911 East 31st Street South  (CD 6) Addendum 1 


  1. 23146—Wallace Engineering – Mike ThedfordSpecial Exception to allow a Public, Civic & Institutional/Governmental Service or Similar Functions Use (Community Center/Caring Center Downtown) in the CBD District (Section 15.020, Table 15-2).  LOCATION:  305 South Detroit Avenue East  (CD 4) Addendum 1


  1. 23154—A-Max Sign CompanyVariance to permit a freestanding sign in an OL District to exceed the permitted 32 square feet of display surface area by 78.37 square feet (Section 60.060-C).  LOCATION:  4538 South Harvard Avenue East  (CD 9)


Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:


  1. 23157—Pearl Cannabis, LLC – Special Exception to permit a medical marijuana grower operation (Horticulture Nursery Use) in the CH District (Section 15.020, Table 15-2).  LOCATION: 1717 East 11th Street South  (CD 4)


  1. 23158—Encinos 3D Custom Products & SignsSpecial Exception to allow a dynamic display sign in an RS-3 District for a Religious Assembly Use and to be located within 200 feet of a Residential District (Sections 60.050-B.2.c  &  60.100-F); Variance to allow a dynamic display sign within 20 feet of the driving surface of East 4th Place South (Section 60.100-E).  LOCATION: 4739 East 5th Street South  (CD 4) Addendum 1


  1. 23159—Kimberly McCoySpecial Exception to allow an accessory dwelling unit in an RS-3 District (Sec.45.031); Variance to allow a detached accessory building in the side setback and to allow more than 30% coverage by a detached accessory dwelling unit and garage in the rear setback in an RS-3 District (Section 90.090-C, Table 90-1 & Table 90-2);  Variance to allow the aggregate floor area of detached accessory dwelling units/accessory buildings to exceed 500 square feet or 40% of the floor area of the principal residential structure (Sections 45.030-A.2  &  45.031-D.6).  LOCATION: 1518 South Norfolk Avenue East  (CD 4) 


  1. 23160—Hall Estill – Stuart Van De WieleSpecial Exception to allow a Public, Civic & Institutional/Governmental Service or Similar Functions use for a family justice center in an RS-3/OL/IL/CH District (Section 5.020, Table 5-2  &  Section 15.020, Table 15-2).  LOCATION: 2821 South Sheridan Road East  (CD 5) Addendum 1


  1. 23161—Hall Estill – Amanda LoweSpecial Exception to permit High-Impact Medical Marijuana processing (High-impact Manufacturing & Industry Use) in the IM District (Section 15.020, Table 15-2).  LOCATION: 1011 North Lewis Avenue East  (CD 3)


  1. 23162—M & P AdvocatesVariance to reduce the minimum lot width in the RS-3 District to permit a lot split (Section 5.030, Table5-3).  LOCATION:  1020 East 34th Street South  (CD 9) Addendum 1


  1. 23163—Tom NealSpecial Exception to permit a carport in the street setback and the street yard with modifications to its allowable height (Sections 45.030-B  &  90.090-C1); Variance of the 25-foot street setback in an RS-3 District (Section 5.030-A, Table 5-3).  LOCATION:  4347 South Braden Place East  (CD 5)


  1. 23164—M. Scott Pohlenz, AIA, NCARBSpecial Exception to increase driveway width within a street setback from 30 feet to 45 feet to allow a parking/turnaround space off of driveway in an RS-3 District (Section 55.090-F-3).  LOCATION:  3136 South Utica Avenue East  (CD 9)


  1. 23165—Kristen M. Saxon & Thomas M. KelleyVariance of the minimum lot width in the AG District to permit a lot split (Section 25.020-D, Table 25-2); Variance of the minimum lot area and lot area per dwelling unit in the AG District to permit a lot split (Section 25.020-D, Table 25-2).  LOCATION:  4920 South 177th East Avenue  (CD 6)







NOTE: If you require special accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify Tulsa Planning Office at 918-584-7526. Exhibits, Petitions, Pictures, etc., presented to the Board of Adjustment may be received and deposited in case files to be maintained by the Tulsa Planning Office at INCOG. All electronic devices must be silenced.

NOTE: This agenda is for informational purposes only and is not an official posting. Please contact the Tulsa Planning Office at 918-584-7526 if you require an official posted agenda.