To request the design template in another format, contact Daniel Jeffries.
Contact Jani Wertin or Susan Miller by email, or call 918-584-7526.
Mailing Address
INCOG, c/o Troy Wilborn
re: Zoning Sign Bid
2 W. 2nd St., Suite 800
Tulsa, OK 74103
Please print in large letters on both sides of the envelope: BID ENCLOSED – DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 4:30 P.M., MAY 5, 2020
Bids Due
May 5, 2020
4:00 p.m.
Introduction Letter
March 24, 2020
The Tulsa Planning Office at INCOG is soliciting bids for a three-year contract starting July 1, 2020, to construct and post signs providing notice of rezoning for the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission and notice of special exception uses for Tulsa Board of Adjustment.
Enclosed you will find a complete bid packet including specifications for submitting your bid to INCOG.
For additional information please contact Jani Wertin ( or Susan Miller ( at the Tulsa Planning Office. The main office number is 918.584.7526.
All bids must be returned and received in the office of Troy Wilborn, INCOG, no later than 4:00 p.m. May 5, 2020 in order to be considered.
Susan Miller, AICP, Director
Tulsa Planning Office at INCOG
Scope of Services
The Contractor is to provide and post signs for the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) and the Tulsa Planning Office which notify the public of public hearings before the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC) and the City of Tulsa Board of Adjustment (BOA). Each sign must be placed by the contractor on the site where the action is requested. These sites may be located anywhere within the corporate boundaries of the City of Tulsa as may be modified at any time during the term of the contract as a result of any annexation of additional territory, or throughout the unincorporated portions of Tulsa County.
Description of Signs
- Workload
The Contractor will be responsible for meeting all of INCOG’s requirements for signs and for properly posting on all properties under application for zoning changes for a period of 36 months beginning July 1, 2020. Based on the combined caseload of TMAPC and BOA in 2019, INCOG estimates that 17 signs will be needed each month. - Legal Posting Time Requirements
TMAPC meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month and the City Board of Adjustment meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month. By law, the signs must be placed on the property NOT LESS THAN 20 DAYS prior to the TMAPC hearing and NOT LESS THAN 10 DAYS prior to the BOA hearing. Overlap occurs, and approximately 30-40 signs could be posted at any one time. - Size, Design, and Materials
The signs provided by the Contractor shall be 24 inches wide by 42 inches tall, include black text and graphics on a yellow background, and adhere to the design template provided by INCOG, which features information in English and Spanish. The signs shall be constructed of durable, all-weather materials that can withstand normal winds at the specified sign size. - Changeable Copy
The Contractor is responsible for preparing all changeable portions of the zoning sign so that it accurately provides the information necessary for legal notification of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment. The changeable portions include the case number, the existing and proposed zoning district, the proposed use, the size of the tract involved, and the date of the public hearing. - Sign Placement
The Contractor is responsible for providing a method of securing and supporting the sign so that when posted, all information on the sign is easily readable from the street and the sign will not be blown down by normal winds. At least one sign per street frontage is required. If the subject property has more than 1,000 feet of street frontage on a single street, at least one sign must be posted for each 1,000 feet of street frontage or fraction thereof on that street.
Posting of Signs
- Legal Posting Time Requirements
The Contractor shall properly post the appropriate zoning sign(s) at each site requested by INCOG not less than twenty (20) days prior to the scheduled public hearing for that TMAPC case and not less than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled public hearing for that BOA case. - Case Information
INCOG will provide the Contractor a map of each case site showing the location of all required signs and the direction they must face. The sign must be placed on the site in approximately the same location and oriented in the same direction as shown on the map of the site provided by INCOG. INCOG will also provide the Contractor with the following information about each case:- The case number
- The existing and proposed zoning district
- The proposed use or the nature of the proposed special exception use
- The location of the tract/parcel
- The date of the public hearing – All of this information, as well as the site maps, will be emailed to the Contractor at least 28 days before the TMAPC public hearing date or 18 days before the BOA public hearing date.
- Photo Requirement
To ensure legal posting time requirements are fulfilled, Contractor shall take photos of the posted signs as proof of installation and email these photos to INCOG not less than twenty (20) days prior to the scheduled public hearing for that TMAPC case and not less than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled public hearing for that BOA case. - Removal Requirement
The Contractor shall remove all signs he/she has posted within 7 business days after the date of the hearing specified on the sign. - Inaccurate or Improperly Located Signs
If the Contractor posts a sign containing inaccurate information, or if the sign is improperly located or oriented, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to correct the error by the end of the next working day after notification by INCOG of the error. - Sign Replacement
If the sign is properly posted but is then blown down, vandalized, or stolen before the hearing, the Contractor shall replace or repair the sign by the end of the next working day after verbal notification by INCOG of the problem, at the cost of the Contractor.
Payment of Contractor
- The Contractor shall submit a monthly bill which shows the case number for each sign posted and date of the posting.
- INCOG will pay the Contractor once a month for all the signs posted and maintained during the previous month, at a rate accepted in the bid. INCOG will pay the Contractor the same amount for each sign properly posted and maintained, regardless of its location.
- INCOG will not pay the Contractor for any sign which is incorrect or in the wrong location, unless the problem is corrected within the time period specified above.
Instructions to Bidders
- All bids must be accompanied by a properly executed bidder affidavit.
- All bids must include a mock-up/prototype of the proposed sign. Mock-up does not need to be the actual size of a finished sign, but it must be constructed of the proposed sign materials, and include the design template found on the left side of this page.
- All bids must be made on the bid form provided by INCOG.
- Only bids which provide all the information required will be considered.
- INCOG reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
- All bids must be received in the office of Troy Wilborn of INCOG before 4:00 p.m., May 5, 2020, in order to be considered.
- All bids will be open to the public at 4:30 p.m. May 5, 2020, in the Conference Room, INCOG offices, 2 West 2nd Street, Suite 800.
- All bids shall remain in effect for at least 30 days after the bid opening.
- The successful bidder will be required to be licensed and bonded to erect signs in the City of Tulsa, execute a written contract, provide their own insurance, and begin the placement of signs no later than July 1, 2020.
- The contract will be for three (3) years and the bidder must provide a bid price(s) for the entire three (3) year period.
- If the lowest acceptable bidder refuses to accept the contract, INCOG will negotiate with the next lowest acceptable bidder.
- The City of Tulsa’s requirements for sign permits and fees will be waived for all zoning signs.
- The Scope of Services provides detailed information concerning the work required of the successful bidder.
- Any questions concerning the bidding procedure or the Scope of Services should be directed to Jani Wertin or Susan Miller at Tulsa Planning Office at INCOG, 2 West 2nd Street, Suite 800, Tulsa, OK, 74103, 918.584.7526.