The Tulsa Planning Office invites the public to an Open House to review the update to the Pearl District Small Area Plan next Thursday, May 23, 2019, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Central Center, 1028 E. 6th St.
At this come-and-go event, draft of the plan will be available, and attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the proposed concepts and recommendations with staff. The Open House is an informal, drop-in event, so no formal presentations will be given; instead, it is an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback directly to the Tulsa Planning Office.
Once adopted by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council, the plan will replace the 6th Street Infill Plan, originally adopted in 2006. Small area plans provide tailored solutions for neighborhoods and are developed primarily through the input of property owners and area stakeholders. There are four overarching priorities recommended in the Pearl District Small Area Plan:
- Priority 1: Stabilize and revitalize existing residential areas, promote home-ownership and housing affordability, and increase housing choice.
- Priority 2: Promote development that retains existing and increases businesses and increases mixed-use, commercial and retail opportunities.
- Priority 3: Increase safety and security throughout the district.
- Priority 4: Improve targeted infrastructure to support health and wellness and catalyze development.
The Pearl District is located east of downtown, between US Highway 75 and Utica Avenue, and between Interstate 244 and 11th Street.
All comments, suggestions, and questions are welcome. For more information, contact Travis Hulse at 918.579.9452 or at thulse@incog.org. The draft of the plan update can be found online at tmapc.org.