Planning Commission to Hear Proposed Zoning Code Amendments on May 15

Several zoning code amendments, ZCA-30, will be considered by the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission during a public hearing on May 15, 2024. The meeting will be held at City Hall, 175 East 2nd Street, 2nd level, Tulsa City Council Chambers, Tulsa, Oklahoma, at 1:00 p.m.

The proposed amendments primarily were identified through staff interactions with the public during the zoning, enforcement, and building permit processes. The proposed amendments are located in Chapters 20, 35, 40, 55, 70, 80, 85, 90, and 95 of the zoning code. Below is a general description of items included in this round of amendments:

  1. Section 20.030-E: Remove section requiring Special Area Overlay ordinances to be recorded in the County Clerk’s land records.
  2. Section 20.050-A: Clarify when nonconforming structures must be brought into compliance with site and building design regulations of the River Design Overlay.
  3. Section 20.100-C: Require masonry skirting and street-facing entrances for manufactured housing units permitted by right in the Neighborhood Infill Overlay – 2.
  4. Section 35.070-D: Update the definition of Junk or Salvage Yard to remove “building.”
  5. Sections 35.050, 35.060, 35.070, 35.090, 40.225: Update regulations related to medical marijuana uses to align with Oklahoma state laws and license types.
  6. Sections 55.090-F, 55.100-A, 95.040-A: Clarify that recreational vehicles must be parked on a dustless, all-weather surface; clarify that gravel, rock, or screenings are a dustless, all-weather surface when treated with an approved binder; and allow residential uses in AG and AG-R districts to have gravel driveways.
  7. Section 70.140-C: Change the timeline for appeals of administrative decisions from 10 calendar days to 10 business days to align with nuisance violation appeal timelines.
  8. Section 80.060-B: Clarify language related to non-conforming dynamic display sign modifications.
  9. Section 85.010: Change reference to code enforcement to reflect the 2023 City reorganization.
  10. Sections 90.060, 90.065, 95.150: Revise measurement for lot width to include a calculation, add measurement for lot depth, and update related figures.
  11. Sections 90.170, 95.210: Clarify that fence and wall height atop a retaining wall is measured from the top of the retaining wall and add definition for retaining wall.

If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the Planning Commission hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Remember to reference ZCA-30, and include your name and address.

Mail: TMAPC, 175 E. 2nd Street, Suite 480, Tulsa, OK 74103
Phone: 918-596-7526