Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission (TMAPC) at 175 East 2nd Street, 2nd level, One Technology Center, Tulsa City Council Chambers, Tulsa, Oklahoma, at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
At that time and place, consideration will be given to adoption of amendments to the following sections of the Tulsa Zoning Code (Title 42 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, Zoning and Property Restrictions):
Chapter 20 — Overlay Districts: Section 20.020 HP, Historic Preservation Overlays: Section 20.020-D Design Guidelines
Chapter 70 — Review and Approval Procedures: Section 70.070 HP Permits: Section 70.070-B Exemptions; Section 70.070-K Action by Preservation Officer
Upon its review, the TMAPC will prepare its recommendations and submit them to the City Council and Mayor of the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma for their consideration and possible approval. The City Council’s review of TMAPC’s recommendations shall be at a meeting time and place to be determined by the Council, and information concerning the time and place of the Council meeting shall be available from the Council secretary (phone 918-596-1965) or on the Council website. If adopted and approved, the amendments to the Zoning Code shall be filed as a matter of public record in the Office of the Tulsa City Clerk.
A copy of the proposed Zoning Code amendments is available for viewing in the Tulsa Planning Office at City Hall, 175 East 2nd Street, Suite 480, Tulsa, Oklahoma, (phone 918-596-7526) and here.
All persons interested in this matter may appear at the foregoing time and place and speak in support of or in opposition to the proposed Zoning Code amendments. Interested persons may also indicate their support of or opposition to the proposed amendments in writing delivered at the public hearing or addressed to Felicity Good c/o Tulsa Planning Office, 175 East 2nd Street, Suite 480, Tulsa OK 74103.