Neighborhood Infill Overlay-2: Zoning Map Amendment for Dawson
The Tulsa City Council has initiated a zoning overlay to cover all properties bounded by E. Apache St., E. Pine St., N. Yale Ave., and N. Sheridan Rd. The proposed zoning overlay is an effort to remove barriers in the zoning code to the development of different residential building types and to address housing affordability.
In 2022, the Tulsa City Council adopted a Neighborhood Infill Overlay for several neighborhoods near downtown in order to address the need for “Missing Middle” Housing typologies. Missing Middle housing typologies are often similar in size to a detached house but have additional units: duplexes, multi-unit houses, townhouses, and even small-scale apartments. In August 2023, a similar overlay was added to the zoning code with some modifications, most notably to allow manufactured homes by right and to preserve the current parking requirements of the zoning code — initially intended to serve the Dawson area.
The final step in applying the overlay to the Dawson Neighborhood is the adoption of a zoning map amendment to establish the boundaries of the overlay zoning.
What is an Overlay?
As the name implies, overlay districts “over-lay” applicable base zoning district classifications to alter some or all of the base zoning district regulations that apply to particular sites.
Overlay zoning districts work to modify or supplement the regulations imposed by base zoning district when necessary to address special situations or accomplish specific goals.
Overlay zoning is intended to be used when the base zoning district applied to an area remains generally appropriate, but when an additional, modified, or eliminated requirement could help implement the city’s planning goals or address an area-specific planning, design, or land use regulation issue.
What would the Overlay do?
The overlay allows by default certain residential building types that would not normally be allowed under the base zoning districts. Housing types allowed by the overlay include:
- Detached houses
- Patio houses
- Townhouses
- Manufactured homes constructed in 2016 or newer
- Cottage houses
- Duplexes
- Multi-unit houses (3- and 4-plexes)
- Small-scale apartments/condos (limited to 6 units)
- Accessory Dwelling Units
Some lot and area regulations are also reduced to allow development on smaller lots:
- Home occupations are allowed by right
- Required setbacks for Industrial-light properties are reduced
Parking requirements are not reduced inside the overlay.
If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the Planning Commission hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Remember to reference Case SA-7, and include your name and address.
Mail: TMAPC, 175 E. 2nd Street, Suite 480, Tulsa, OK 74103
Community Meeting
A community meeting was held at the Dawson Park Community Center on October 17, 2023 for area residents to learn more about the zoning map amendment.
Next steps: the Planning Commission will consider the item at its meeting on November 15, 2023, and then it will be voted on by the City Council at a later date.
Read the Overlay and View a Map of the Boundary
Click here to read the overlay text in the zoning code and view maps of the proposed boundary, along with the notice that was mailed to property owners inside and within 300 feet of the boundary.
Feb. 2023: City Council Initiates overlay text and zoning map amendment
Mar. 22: Presented text amendment at Planning Commission Work Session
Mar. 29: Idea presented at Dawson neighborhood meeting
May 17: Planning Commission public hearing for the text amendment; approved
Jun. 21: City Council committee meeting & first reading
Jul. 19: City council vote, mayor signs ordinance for text amendment
Aug. 28: NIO-2 text amendment becomes effective, now in zoning code and can be applied to specific areas via zoning map amendments
Oct. 6: Notices mailed to 750+ property owners in the zoning change boundary and within 300 feet of the zoning change. Notices included information about the community meeting, Planning Commission hearing, an overview of the proposed zoning map amendment.
Oct. 17: Community Meeting at Dawson Park Community Center to discuss zoning map amendment
→Nov. 15, 1 p.m.: Planning Commission Hearing, City Hall, 175 E. 2nd St.
Dec.: City Council UED Committee Meeting & First Reading
Dec.: City Council Adopts, Mayor Signs, and the Ordinance is Published in Tulsa World
Jan. 2024: Zoning changes take effect 30 days after publication in Tulsa World