Certain residents in east Tulsa are now eligible to apply for a voluntary program to rezone their properties to the Agricultural-Residential (AG-R) district at no cost. AG-R zoning allows owners of eligible properties to maintain certain agricultural uses and retain a more rural character with larger minimum lot sizes.

How it works

The AG-R zoning program is strictly voluntary, and is available to owners of properties that meet all requirements of the AG-R district. The program is divided into 2 phases based on boundaries established on this map. Each phase has a different deadline for applications, as outlined below. Tulsa Planning Office staff will include all submitted requests on one application, then prepare a staff report and present the information to both the Planning Commission and City Council.

Requirements to Participate

To participate, complete the property owner consent form and return it to the Tulsa Planning Office. Required information includes:

  • Property owner contact information, including mailing address, phone number, and email address
  • Property owner signature, consenting to participate in the voluntary AG-R zoning program.
  • A legal description of the property. Legal descriptions can be obtained by surveying the property or by contacting the Tulsa County Assessor’s Office at 918-596-5100. Property records can be searched online at:
    assessor.tulsacounty.org/assessor-property-search.php. An electronic version of the legal description must also be provided via email.

More Info, Contact, and Submissions
To submit required information or ask questions about the program or process, please contact Dylan Siers with the Tulsa Planning Office at 918.579.9465 or dsiers@incog.org. For more information, view this informational flier.

Town Hall Meeting
If you are interested in learning more about this voluntary opt-in rezoning program, please plan to attend the town hall meeting at 6:30 p.m. on April 11, 2022 at Martin Regional Library (2601 S. Garnett Rd). Tulsa Planning Office staff will be present at the town hall meeting to present and answer any questions related to the program.

Important Dates

Phase 1 properties (map)

Admiral Pl. to 31st St. and
S. 129th E. Ave. to S. 161st E. Ave.

4/21/2022 Deadline for property owner or representative to submit consent and required information to the Tulsa Planning Office within the Phase 1 boundary
6/1/2022 TMAPC public hearing
TBD City Council public hearing

Phase 2 properties (map)

Admiral Pl. to 31st St. and
S. 161st E. Ave. to S. 193rd E. Ave.

5/5/2022 Deadline for property owner or representative to submit consent and required information to the Tulsa Planning Office within the Phase 2 boundary
6/15/2022 TMAPC public hearing
TBD City Council public hearing


Comparing AG-R to strict AG and Residential Zoning Districts

Regulations Zoning District
Min. Lot Area 2 acres 1 acre 22,500 sq. ft. (~1/2 acre) 13,500 sq. ft. (~1/3 acre) 9,000 sq. ft. (~1/5 acre) 6,900 sq. ft. (~1/6 acre)
Min. Lot Area per Unit
Minimum Lot Width (feet) 200 150 150 100 75 60
Min. Building Setbacks (feet)
    Arterial 25 25 35 35 35 35
    Other Streets 30 25
  Side (one side/other side) 10/5 15 15 5 5 5
  Rear 40 25 25 25 25 20
Max. Building Height (feet) No limit 35 35 35 35 35
Min. Enclosure Size Per Horse 1 Acre 1 Acre Horses not allowed
Max. Poultry Allowed
Adults No limit 6 6
Chicks No limit 14 14
Max. Rabbits Allowed
Adults No limit No limit 6
Rabbits under 8 weeks old No limit No limit 14

Eligible Properties

Map showing eligible areas within phases one and two of the City of Tulsa's voluntary AG-R rezoning program

Download Documents

Map of Eligible Properties (PDF)

Property Owner Consent Form

Notice Mailed to Property Owners

AG-R Program Flier


Dylan Siers
Tulsa Planning Office

Flier for the AG-R Rezoning Program