Meeting No. 2829
November 4, 2020, 1:00 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber
The meeting will be held in the Tulsa City Council Chamber and by videoconferencing and teleconferencing via GoToMeeting, an online meeting and web conferencing tool.
Commissioners and members of the public may attend the meeting in the Tulsa City Council Chamber, but are encouraged to attend and participate in the TMAPC meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing by joining from a computer, tablet or smartphone using the following link:
Commissioners and members of the public can also dial in using their phone by dialing:
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Participants must then enter the following Access Code: 163-931-949
The following Commissioners plan to attend remotely via GoToMeeting, provided that they may still be permitted to appear and attend at the meeting site, the Tulsa City Council Chambers, Second Floor of City Hall, at One Technology Center, 175 East Second Street, Tulsa Oklahoma: Chair Covey, Commissioner Blair, Commissioner Craddock, Commissioner Kimbrel, Commissioner McArtor, Commissioner Reeds, Commissioner Ritchey, Commissioner Shivel, Commissioner Van Cleave, Commissioner Walker
Complete Agenda Packet
Call to Order:
Chairman’s Report:
Work session Report:
Director’s Report:
1. Minutes of October 21, 2020 Meeting No. 2828
All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.
2. MPD-3 Katy O’Meilia, Planning Design Group (CD 9,4) Location: Southeast corner of East 31st Street South and South Peoria Avenue requesting a Master Plan Development for mixed use community (Continued from September 2, 2020)(Withdrawn by applicant September 21, 2020)
3. Z-7581 Robert Parker (CD 4) Location: East of the southeast corner of East 2nd Street South and South Quincy Avenue requesting rezoning from RM-2 to IL (Withdrawn by applicant October 19, 2020)
4. Kahn Addition (CD 1) Preliminary Plat, Location: East of the southeast corner of East 36th Street North and North MLK Jr. Boulevard (Continued from October 21, 2020)
5. CZ-507 Brad Avedon (County) Location: South and east of the southeast corner of East 126th Street North and North Garnett Road requesting rezoning from IL/AG to IL
6. Z-7579 Cody Brandt (CD 4) Location: West of the southwest corner of East 8th Street South and South Utica Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-4 to MX1-U-35
7. Z-7580 Mark Bahlinger (CD 6) Location: Southwest corner of East 21st Street South and South 120th East Avenue RD to CS
8. Z-7582 Carolyn Back (CD 5) Location: North of the northeast corner of East 51st Street South and South 72nd East Avenue requesting rezoning from CDP and RS-3 to OM with an optional development plan
9. Commissioners’ Comments
CD = Council District