Meeting No. 2886

March 22, 2023, 1:00 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber



At this meeting the TMAPC, in accordance with and pursuant to applicable TMAPC Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, recommend for approval, amend or modify, recommend for approval with modifications, deny, reject, recommend for denial, or defer action on any item listed on the agenda.


Agenda Packet

Call to Order:


Chairman’s Report:

Work session Report:

Director’s Report:


Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:

  1. Minutes of March 1, 2023 Meeting No. 2885



All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.

Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:




Review and possible recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:


  1. Z-7694 Michael Scarbrough (CD 5) Location: North of the Northeast corner of South Yale Avenue and East 33rd Street South requesting rezoning from RS-2 and CS to CS (Related to PUD-514-B)

  1. PUD-514-B Michael Scarbrough (CD 5) Location: North of the Northeast corner of South Yale Avenue and East 33rd Street South requesting a PUD Major Amendment to allow several uses including a car wash. (Related to Z-7694)

  1. Z-7695 Nathan Cross (CD 6) Location: West of the Northwest corner of East 11th Street South and South 193rd East Avenue requesting rezoning from AG to RS-5 with an optional development plan

  1. Z-7696 John Droz (CD 4) Location: Southwest corner of East 12th Place South and South Lewis Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to MX1-U-45

  1. CZ-540 Joe Pace (County) Location: North of the Northeast corner of North Garnett Road and East 180th Street North requesting rezoning from AG and RE to RS (Related to Foster Creek preliminary plat)



Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:

  1. Foster Creek (County) Preliminary Plat and Modification of the Subdivision and Development Regulations to extend allowable block length, Location: North of the northeast corner North Garnett Road and East 180th Street North (Related to CZ-540)

  2. OKTUL BR (CD 7) Preliminary Plat, Location: Northeast corner of East 88th Street South and South Mingo Road
  3. Elwood Square (CD 2) Preliminary Plat, Southwest corner of West 71st Street South and South Elwood Avenue
  4. The Crossing at Battle Creek Phase VII (CD 6) Preliminary Plat, Location: North and east of the northeast corner of East 41st Street South and South 145th East Avenue


Other Business

  1. Commissioners’ Comments