Meeting No. 2815
April 1, 2020, 1:00 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber
TMAPC will hold this meeting by videoconferencing and teleconferencing via GoToMeeting, an online meeting and web conferencing tool. Commissioners and members of the public will be allowed to attend and participate in the TMAPC meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing by joining from a computer, tablet or smartphone using the following link: https://www.gotomeet.me/CityOfTulsa/tmapc-remote-meeting
Commissioners and members of the public can also dial in using their phone by dialing: 1 (872) 240-3212
Participants must then enter the following Access Code: 160-798-981
The following Commissioners plan to attend remotely via GoToMeeting, provided that they may still be permitted to appear and attend at the meeting site, the Tulsa City Council Chambers, Second Floor of City Hall, at One Technology Center, 175 East Second Street, Tulsa Oklahoma: Chair Covey, Commissioner Craddock, Commissioner Doctor, Commissioner Kimbrel, Commissioner McArtor, Commissioner Ray, Commissioner Reeds, Commissioner Ritchey, Commissioner Shivel, Commissioner Van Cleave, Commissioner Walker
Call to Order:
Chairman’s Report:
Work session Report:
Director’s Report:
1. Minutes of March 4, 2020 Meeting No. 2813
All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.
2. PUD-494-2 PRW Construction, Allison Payne (CD 8) Location: East of the northeast corner of East 111th Street South and South Yale Avenue requesting a PUD Minor Amendment to increase allowable driveway width (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
3. PUD-803-6 Nick Puma (CD 8) Location: Southwest corner of East 121st Street South and South Sheridan Avenue requesting a PUD Minor Amendment to reduce rear yard and garage setback (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
4. PUD-624-5 Jeareld Edwards (CD 1) Location: Northwest corner of East Apache Street and North Gilcrease Museum Road requesting a PUD Minor Amendment to add single family residential as an allowable use(Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
5. Sheridan Crossing Phase IV (County) Preliminary Plat, Location: North and east of the intersection of East 86th Street North and North Sheridan Road (Continued from March 4,2020) (Originally scheduled for March 18, 2020 but that meeting was canceled) (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
6. Possible reconsideration of motion to continue to April 15, 2020 for Z-7533 Christopher McHenry (CD 3) Location: Southwest corner and southeast corner of East Tecumseh Street North and North Irvington Avenue East requesting rezoning from CH to IH with an optional development plan (Continued from February 5, 2020, February 19, 2020 and March 4, 2020 to April 8, 2020. This item was on the March 18, 2020 agenda for reconsideration and continuance to April 15, 2020 but that meeting was canceled) (Staff requests reconsideration and continuance to May 6, 2020) Note: April 8, 2020 was not a TMAPC Meeting date.
7. Public hearing approving new capital improvement projects for the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), Fiscal Year 2021-2025 (Originally scheduled for March 18, 2020 but that meeting was canceled) (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
8. Z-7541 Shane Morgan (CD 3) Location: Southwest corner of East Tecumseh Street and North Kingston Place requesting rezoning from CH to IL with optional development plan (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
9. Z-7542 James Boswell (CD 7) Location: South and east of the southeast corner of East 61st Street South and South Sheridan Road requesting rezoning from AG to CS and PK (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
10. Z-7543 Keith Robertson (CD 1) Location: Northeast corner of East 36th Street North and North Lansing Place requesting rezoning from OL to CH (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
11. Z-7544 Lou Reynolds (CD 3) Location: Southeast corner of East Apache Street and North Sheridan Road requesting rezoning from IL to IM (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
12. ZCA-17 – Various amendments to the City of Tulsa Zoning Code in the following sections: Chapter 15: Office, Commercial and Industrial Districts: Section 15.020 Use Regulations, Table 15-2: O, C, and I District Use Categories, Chapter 35: Building Types and Use Categories: Section 35.040 Public, Civic and Institutional Use Category, Section 35.040-G Governmental Service, Chapter 45: Accessory Uses and Structures: Section 45.080 Fences and Walls, Chapter 65: Landscaping and Screening: Section 65.060 Vehicular Use Area Buffers; Section 65.070 Screening; Section 65.080 Landscape and Screening Material, Chapter 67: Outdoor Lighting: Section 67.030 General Standards; Section 67.040 Lighting Plans, Chapter 70: Review and Approval Procedures: Section 70.080 Zoning Clearance and Permits; Section 70.110 Spacing and Separation Distance Verification, Chapter 95:Definitions: Section 95.220 Terms Beginning with “S” Sign, Campaign (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
13. Consider adopting revised TMAPC Policies and Procedures (Originally scheduled for March 18, 2020 but that meeting was canceled) (Staff requests a continuance to May 6, 2020)
14. Commissioners’ Comments