Meeting No. 2820
June 17, 2020, 1:00 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber
TMAPC will be held in the Tulsa City Council Chambers and by videoconferencing and teleconferencing.
Commissioners and members of the public may attend the meeting in the Tulsa City Council Chamber but are encouraged to attend and participate in the TMAPC meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing by joining from a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Join Videoconference: https://www.gotomeet.me/CityOfTulsa3/tmapc-meeting-in-council-chambers-june-17th
Join Teleconference by dialing: 1 (872) 240-3212
Participants must then enter the following Access Code: 370-383-925
The following Commissioners plan to attend remotely via GoToMeeting, provided that they may still be permitted to appear and attend at the meeting site, the Tulsa City Council Chambers, at One Technology Center, 175 East Second Street, Tulsa Oklahoma: Michael Covey, Mike Craddock, Nick Doctor, Delia Kimbrel, Keith McArtor, Rodney Ray, Ted Reeds, Josh Ritchey, John Shivel, Tana Van Cleave, Josh Walker
NOTE: In the event the audio or video feed becomes unavailable during this meeting, or if agenda items have not been heard by 4:45 pm, the agenda items not yet heard at that time shall be continued, and the meeting reconvened at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, July 1, 2020.
Call to Order:
Chairman’s Report:
Work session Report:
Director’s Report:
1.Minutes of May 6, 2020, Meeting No. 2817
All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.
2. PUD-196-A-3 Stephan Kerr (CD 8) Location: South of the southwest corner of 71st Street and South Memorial Drive requesting a PUD Minor Amendment to allow signage on the south and west sides of the building
3. PUD-628-C-4 Z-6467-SP-7d Nathalie Cornett (CD 7) Location: East of the southeast corner of South 97th East Avenue and East 93rd Street South requesting a PUD Minor Amendment to increase building coverage from 37% to 43%
4. Resubdivision-of-Block-4-Pasadena-Addition (CD 9) Amendment to Deed of Dedication, Location: Southwest corner of East 43rd Street South and South Peoria Avenue
5. Z-7548 John Fothergill (CD 4) Location: Northwest corner of East 5th Street South and South Norfolk Avenue requesting rezoning from IL and RM-2 to CH (Continued from May 6, 2020)
6. Z-7552 Stuart Van De Wiele (CD 5) Location: East of the southeast corner of East 11th Street South and South 107th East Avenue requesting rezoning from CS to CG
7. Z-7553 Ricky Jones (CD 6) Location: East of the southeast corner of East 36th Street South and South 145th East Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to RS-4
8. Z-7554 Daniel Regan (CD 1) Location: Southwest corner of Mohawk Boulevard and North Winston Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to AG
9. Z-7555 Duane Philips (CD 4) Location: North of the northwest corner of East 15th Street South and South St. Louis Avenue requesting rezoning from RM-2 to OM with optional development plan
10. Z-7556 Lou Reynolds (CD 9) Location: North of the northeast corner of East Skelly Drive and South Utica Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to OL
11. Z-7557 Jim Beach (CD 4) Location: East of the northwest corner of South Peoria Avenue and East 8th Street South requesting rezoning from RS-4 to RM-3
12. Z-7558 Tulsa City Council (CD 2) Location: Multiple properties north of the northwest corner of West 81st Street South and South Union Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to AG-R
13. Alan Farms (County) Minor Subdivision Plat, Location: South of the southeast corner of East 161st Street South and South Lewis Avenue
14. Easton Estates (County) Preliminary Plat, Location: South of the southeast corner of East 161st Street South and South Lewis Avenue
15. Comanche Park (CD 1) Preliminary Plat, Location: Northeast and southeast corner of East 36th Street North and North Peoria Avenue
16. QuikTrip No 0039 (CD 9) Preliminary Plat, Location: Southwest corner of East 31st Street South and South Yale Avenue
17. Church of Saint Mary (CD 9) Preliminary Plat, Location: Southwest corner of East 48th Place South and South Quincy Avenue
18. Commissioners’ Comments
CD = Council District