Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Tulsa City Council Chambers
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center Tuesday,

October 25, 2022, 1:00 P.M. 

Meeting No. 1305

Agenda Packet

If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Remember to reference the case number and include your name and address.


Mail or In Person: City of Tulsa BOA c/o INCOG, 2 W. 2nd St., Suite 800 Tulsa 74103


At this Meeting, the Board of Adjustment, in accord with and pursuant to applicable Board of Adjustment Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, amend, modify, approve with amendment(s) or modification(s), deny, reject, or defer any action on any item listed on this Agenda.

  1. Approval of Minutes of September 27, 2022 (Meeting No. 1302


Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:

  1. 23429Ray TorabyAction Requested: Variance to allow a dynamic display sign to be within 50-feet of the driving surface of a signalized intersection (Section 60.100-D);Variance to allow a dynamic display sign to be within 20-feet of the driving surface of the street (Sec. 60.100-E).  Location:  9014 S Yale Ave E (CD- 8)
  1. 23441Childs, Clinton Ross & Elizabeth AnneAction Requested: Variance to reduce the required 15-foot side street building setback and 20-foot setback for a street facing garage door (5.080-B Table note [3]) Special Exception to increase the permitted driveway width (Section 55.090-F.3)  Location: 2507 S. Evanston Ave. (CD 4)
  1. 23443Max McGuirkAction Requested: Special Exception to permit a duplex in the RS-3 district (Table 5.020, Table 5-2, Table 5-2.5) Location:  209 S. Urbana (CD – 4)
  1. 23444Kiana SmithAction Requested: Variance to reduce the required 20-foot rear setback in the RS-3 District (5.030-A, Table 5-3) Location:  12 W. Queen St. (CD-1)
  1. 23445Nathalie CornettAction Requested: Variance to increase the maximum aggregate sign area  in the CS District (Sec.60.080-C, Table 60-3) Location:  3218 S. 79th Ave (CD – 5)



  1. 23446Elite Agricultural Properties, LLCAction Requested: Special Exception to allow a Group Living/ Monastery Use in the AG District (Sec. 25.020-B, Table 25-1) Location:  8533 E. 58th St. S. (CD – 7)
  1. 23447 – Brent BrownleeAction Requested: Special Exception to allow a fence or wall to exceed 4-feet in height in the street setback (Sec. 45.080-A) Location:  2536 E. 57 St. S. (CD – 9)
  1. 23448Tom NealAction Requested: Special Exception to allow an Accessory Dwelling Unit in the RS-4 District (45.031-D); Variance to allow the floor area of  Detached Accessory Buildings/ Dwelling Units to exceed 500 square feet and 40% of the floor area of the principal residential structure (Section 45.030-A, 45.031-D.6); Variance to allow a Detached Accessory Building/ Dwelling Unit to exceed one story or 18-feet in height and to exceed 10-feet in height to the top of the top plate in the rear setback and to allow more than 30% coverage of the rear setback by an Accessory Building/Dwelling Unit in the RS-3 District (Section 90.090-C2)  Location:  1123 S. Delaware Pl. (CD – 4)
  1. 23449 – Jose PerezAction Requested: Special Exception to allow a manufactured housing unit in the RS-3 District (Sec. 5.020, Table 5-2 ); Special Exception to extend the one-year time limit to allow the Manufactured Housing Unit permanently  (Sec.40.210-A) Location:  2602 E. 51st St. N. (CD – 1)