NCI Resource Center 

Cost-Burdened Homeowners

Below are recommended actions that may improve this neighborhood condition.

Find Available Resources for Homeowners

There are a variety of resources available to help homeowners connect to information, assistance programs, services, and incentives.

ResourcePhone NumberEmail AddressDescription
Bike Club TulsaBike Club Tulsa meets with students weekly after school to ride bikes and work on cycling and life skills. They currently operate at 33 Tulsa Public Schools.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882
LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020)INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) - Heat Map of Bicyclist CrashesINCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) - Heat Map of Pedestrian CrashesINCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Code Enforcement311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa's Code Enforcement team is responsible for enforcing the City's nuisance and zoning ordinances to help prevent deterioration of neighborhoods and help maintain safety and health standards.
Start a Neighborhood Association (Neighborhood Toolkit)Your Neighborhood Liaisons are:

Alisia Myers

Caleb Perkins
neighborhoods@cityoftulsa.orgLearn about the benefits of starting a Neighborhood Association and learn how to get started. The Neighborhood Liaisons are your point of contact in City Hall for all neighborhood-related issues.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Home Repair Program918-742-6241Contact Revitalize T-TownFree home repairs for low income Tulsa homeowners focusing on safety, security and weatherproofing.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Landlord Tenant Resource Center918-322-9922Contact Housing SolutionsThe Tulsa Landlord Tenant Resource Center (LTRC) provides free services in legal information, pro bono referrals, know-your-rights information for both landlords and tenants, and referrals to housing-supportive social services.
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc1-888-534-5243Legal Aid has free lawyers at the courthouse to help low income people facing eviction.
Rental Assistance - Restore Hope Ministries918-922-8282rhm@restorehope.orgRestore Hope Programs help people with rent, food, and hope.
Rental Help: OklahomaInformation on subsidized apartments, public housing and Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8).
Voucher Programs918-582-0021Tulsa Housing Authority administers housing voucher programs for Tulsans who meet the program eligibility requirements as outlined by HUD.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
Plant and Care for TreesA guide for planting and caring for approved trees in the City of Tulsa
TCCL Seed Library918-549-7323Johanna.Burton@tulsalibrary.orgThe Tulsa City-County Library provides access to a Seed Library. You check out seeds (up to 15 packets) and grown your garden. Save seeds from the best plants and return it to the library for others.
Tree Planting GuideA guide to successful tree establishment, includes planting techniques and methods.
Tulsa Recommended & Prohibited Tree & Plant SpeciesA list of recommended and prohibited trees for required landscape areas.
Up With Trees918-610-TREE (8733)Up with Trees empowers, educates, and serves communities by utilizing trees for their environmental, economic, and social benefits.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
City of Tulsa Career BoardFind and apply for available City of Tulsa jobs.
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Career CenterFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Tulsa Community Foundation Career BoardFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centers918-796-1200referral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants.
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Landlord Tenant Resource Center918-322-9922Contact Housing SolutionsThe Tulsa Landlord Tenant Resource Center (LTRC) provides free services in legal information, pro bono referrals, know-your-rights information for both landlords and tenants, and referrals to housing-supportive social services.
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc1-888-534-5243Legal Aid has free lawyers at the courthouse to help low income people facing eviction.
Rental Assistance - Restore Hope Ministries918-922-8282rhm@restorehope.orgRestore Hope Programs help people with rent, food, and hope.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline988The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Children In Need of Supervision (CHINS)918-596-5000The CHINS program is available to all families and individuals who are residents of Tulsa County. The CHINS program is comprised of two unique services for individuals who are in need of assistance from the Tulsa County Family Justice Center. Services include Counseling services, group home information, inpatient hospital information, outpatient information, boarding schools, alternative schools, transitional living, Native American resources, Hispanic resources, GED/Job skills, drug testing services, domestic violence resources, and teen pregnancy resources.
LIFESET918-947-6596LifeSet is an intensive, community-based program that acts as a bridge from foster care to successful adulthood for young people who turn 18 in foster care. It is a comprehensive program that help young people in many areas of their lives including relational permanency, housing, mental and physical health, career and employment, life skills and education.
YES Tulsa918-779-HELP (4357)24/7 Urgent Youth Crisis Help. Provides immediate crisis response, assessment, stabilization, and coordination referral for families and youth ages 5-17 years old.
Youth Programs918-582-0061YST offers a wide array of innovative and proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention, and youth development.
Alert Neighbors918-585-5209info@okcpn.orgTulsa Crime Stoppers is Tulsa's only non-profit solely dedicated to public safety, offering programs for crime prevention and safety awareness.
Tulsa Police - Citizen ResourcesThe Citizen Resources page offers a variety of services and information related to topics such as child abuse, family safety, domestic violence, trespassing, and victim services, as well as, a telephone directory of helpful resources.
Fire Public Education Services311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgThe Tulsa Fire Department's mission is to create a change in attitude toward fire and life safety behaviors through education in fire and injury prevention methods. The Tulsa Fire Department offers fire and life safety presentations, information on child passenger safety, evacuation planning, and smoke detectors.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Medicare800-633-4227Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older. You may be eligible to get Medicare earlier if you have a disability, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), or ALS (also called Lou Gehrig’s disease).
My OK Plan833-465-7526 Ok Plan is a free service that helps you find health care coverage options and available discounts.
SoonerCare800-987-7767SoonerCare is a government funded health coverage program that helps pay some or all medical bills for many people who can't afford them.
Utilities & Internet Services Assistance918-382-3200CAP Tulsa, a community action agency, provides high-quality early education services for young children, as well as a range of supportive services designed to improve the economic status of their parents.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centersreferral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Guidelines for responsible pet ownershipA list of 15 guidelines for responsible pet ownership.
Spay Oklahoma - Spay/Neuter Clinic918-728-3144Spay Oklahoma performs low-cost spay and neuter services.
Tulsa Animal Welfare311Animal Welfare cares for all animals surrendered and provides service to all citizens of the City of Tulsa in accordance with the state law and City ordinances. These services include: strays, animals requiring quarantine, animals that need to be held until a court hearing has determined their disposition, and animals surrendered to the police upon the owner's arrest ('police assist' calls).
Tulsa SPCA - Spay/Neuter Clinic918-428-7722The Tulsa SPCA performs low-cost spay and neuter services.
Small Business Incubators & Accelerators918-576-5571jonah@partnertulsa.orgFind small business incubators & accelerators.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
City of Tulsa Career BoardFind and apply for available City of Tulsa jobs.
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Career CenterFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Tulsa Community Foundation Career BoardFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centersreferral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline988The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Children In Need of Supervision (CHINS)The CHINS program is available to all families and individuals who are residents of Tulsa County. The CHINS program is comprised of two unique services for individuals who are in need of assistance from the Tulsa County Family Justice Center. Services include Counseling services, group home information, inpatient hospital information, outpatient information, boarding schools, alternative schools, transitional living, Native American resources, Hispanic resources, GED/Job skills, drug testing services, domestic violence resources, and teen pregnancy resources.
LIFESET918-947-6596LifeSet is an intensive, community-based program that acts as a bridge from foster care to successful adulthood for young people who turn 18 in foster care. It is a comprehensive program that help young people in many areas of their lives including relational permanency, housing, mental and physical health, career and employment, life skills and education.
YES Tulsa918-779-HELP (4357)24/7 Urgent Youth Crisis Help. Provides immediate crisis response, assessment, stabilization, and coordination referral for families and youth ages 5-17 years old, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Youth Programs918-582-0061YST offers a wide array of innovative and proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention, and youth development.
Alert Neighbors918-585-5209info@okcpn.orgTulsa Crime Stoppers is Tulsa's only non-profit solely dedicated to public safety, offering programs for crime prevention and safety awareness.
Tulsa Police - Citizen ResourcesThe Citizen Resources page offers a variety of services and information related to topics such as child abuse, family safety, domestic violence, trespassing, and victim services, as well as, a telephone directory of helpful resources.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
How to Set Up an After School Art ProgramAn article on how to set up an after school art program.
MoMa CoursesThe Museum of Modern Art offers a variety of free online courses through Coursera.
Tulsa Art Center Classes918-694-9110The Tulsa Art Center offers ongoing art classes.
WaterWorks Art Center918-596-2440ihamel@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa's community art studio offers classes for adults and children, in ceramics, drawing, painting, glass fusing, jewelry, basket making, weaving, and more.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Arts in communities405-521-2931okarts@arts.ok.govThe Oklahoma Arts Council provides grants to eligible organizations for arts programs that take place in communities and schools.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
Temporary and Seasonal Food Events918-595-4300Guidelines for permitting and operating a temporary food establishment at an event, farmers' market, or for a season.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Morton TeleMedicine918-587-2171Contact Morton HealthMorton Comprehensive Health Services offers a variety of medical services including telemedicine.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation - Health Care918-587-2171Curb-to-curb transporation for patient health care appointments, designated senior nutrion sites, and to social service agencies in Tulsa.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Food On the Moveinfo@foodonthemoveok.comFood on the Move partners with health experts, community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses to bring quality food and resources into areas without access to fresh produce known as food deserts.
Grocery Assistance918-582-1356Helping Hand Ministry can help provide three days worth of food for each family member.
Tulsa Farmers' Market918-636-8419info@tulsafarmersmarket.orgProvides a thriving marketplace for local producers and consumers as Oklahoma's premier farmers' market. Participates in the SNAP and DUO (Double Up Oklahoma) programs.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Bookmobile and Reading Roadshow918-549-7481askus@tulsalibrary.orgThe Bookmobile visits more than 40 sites each month, based on a biweekly or monthly schedule. The Bookmobile also represents the Tulsa City-County Library at community events, across Tulsa County.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library918-549-7485imaginationlibrary@tulsalibrary.orgDolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to age five, no matter their family’s income.
Start a Little Free LibraryInformation on how to start or find a little free library near you.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
River Parks Authority918-596-2001staff@riverparks.orgLearn about River Parks' playgrounds, fountains, sculptures, gathering areas, and miles of trails. In addition, enjoy hiking at Turkey Mountain and attending events throughout the years.
Tulsa County Parks918-596-5990parks@tulsacounty.orgTulsa County parks, events, and resources.
Tulsa Parks and Map918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgList of Tulsa parks and amenities along with a map.
Visit Tulsa - Outdoor & Recreation918-585-1201List of outdoor recreational locations throughout Tulsa.
Casa de La Cultura Tulsa918-638-6347franciscot@casadelaculturatulsa.orgCasa de la Cultura is dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and advancement of the Latin/Hispanic culture, arts, and humanities.
College for Kids918-595-7000ce@tulsacc.eduEvery summer there are more than 50 different camp selections offered through College for Kids at TCC. Offerings include World Languages, Gaming & Coding, Arts & Literature, and STEM. Camps include in-person and virtual options through the months of June and July.
Reed Community Foundation Programs918-951-9441 Reed Community Foundation’s focus is on physical fitness, life skills, financial wisdom, and positive vision for the future.
Programs include: After-school activities; Summer programming; In-house tutoring; Life skills education; Character building development; Parental relationship development; Nutrition and clothing assistance
The Center918-584-8607Info@tulsacenter.orgThe Center provides organized social, cultural and recreational opportunities for youth and adults with physical disabilities, specifically mobility, dexterity and sensory impairments.
Tulsa Parks Program Guide918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgFind and register for classes, programs, and lessons hosted by City of Tulsa Parks and Recreation.
Tulsa Tech Leisure & Recreational Activities918-828-5000Info@Tulsatech.eduFind and register for leisure & recreational activities hosted by Tulsa Tech.
YMCAThe YMCA is dedicated to providing comprehensive programs and services that enrich communities - and all the people who live in them.
Youth At Heart Sports & Recreation Programs918-493-7311info@youthatheart.orgYouth At Heart offers a variety of programs to help youth cultivate their hidden potential and lead healthy, productive lives. Provide programs in two major areas - education enrichment programs and recreational and sports programs.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Homeschooling in the Tulsa AreaA list of resources available to those interested in homeschooling in Tulsa.
Online Schools in Oklahoma866-968-7512Online K-12 Schools in Oklahoma that offer personalized learning programs.
Virtual Schools405-522-3240info@svcsb.ok.govProvides a list of virtual charter schools authorized by the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
LIFE Senior Services - Senior Centers918-664-9000info@LIFEseniorservices.orgLIFE's Senior Centers foster connections, encourage individual growth, and inspire seniors to lead an active, fulfilling life.
Tulsa County Parks918-596-5990parks@tulsacounty.orgTulsa County parks, events, and resources.
Tulsa Parks and Map918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgList of Tulsa parks and amenities along with a map.
Visit Tulsa - Outdoor & Recreation918-585-1201List of outdoor recreational locations throughout Tulsa.
Area Agency on Aging1-800-211-2116rmcmanus@incog.orgThe INCOG Area Agency on Aging (IAAA) improves quality of life by promoting independence, dignity, and health for senior citizens through advocacy, education, and support of community-based services.
Life Senior Services918-664-9000info@LIFEseniorservices.orgLIFE offers a comprehensive range of programs and resources designed to enhance the lives of older adults in Tulsa, Oklahoma including health and wellness initiatives, educational workshops, social events, caregiver support, and community engagement opportunities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Home Repair Program918-742-6241Contact Revitalize T-TownFree home repairs for low income Tulsa homeowners focusing on safety, security and weatherproofing.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Plant and Care for TreesA guide for planting and caring for approved trees in the City of Tulsa
TCCL Seed Library918-549-7323Johanna.Burton@tulsalibrary.orgThe Tulsa City-County Library provides access to a Seed Library. You check out seeds (up to 15 packets) and grown your garden. Save seeds from the best plants and return it to the library for others.
Tree Planting GuideA guide to successful tree establishment, includes planting techniques and methods.
Tulsa Recommended & Prohibited Tree & Plant SpeciesA list of recommended and prohibited trees for required landscape areas.
Up With Trees918-610-TREE (8733)Up with Trees empowers, educates, and serves communities by utilizing trees for their environmental, economic, and social benefits.
Tulsa County Election Board918-596-5780electionboard@tulsacounty.orgRegister to vote, find your voting precinct, and connect to state and federal voting programs.

Find Financial Education Resources

Financial education may help you address personal financial issues such as improving your credit, building your savings, creating and maintaining a budget, and more.

ResourcePhone NumberEmail AddressDescription
Bike Club TulsaBike Club Tulsa meets with students weekly after school to ride bikes and work on cycling and life skills. They currently operate at 33 Tulsa Public Schools.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882
LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020)INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) - Heat Map of Bicyclist CrashesINCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) - Heat Map of Pedestrian CrashesINCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Code Enforcement311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa's Code Enforcement team is responsible for enforcing the City's nuisance and zoning ordinances to help prevent deterioration of neighborhoods and help maintain safety and health standards.
Start a Neighborhood Association (Neighborhood Toolkit)Your Neighborhood Liaisons are:

Alisia Myers

Caleb Perkins
neighborhoods@cityoftulsa.orgLearn about the benefits of starting a Neighborhood Association and learn how to get started. The Neighborhood Liaisons are your point of contact in City Hall for all neighborhood-related issues.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Home Repair Program918-742-6241Contact Revitalize T-TownFree home repairs for low income Tulsa homeowners focusing on safety, security and weatherproofing.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Landlord Tenant Resource Center918-322-9922Contact Housing SolutionsThe Tulsa Landlord Tenant Resource Center (LTRC) provides free services in legal information, pro bono referrals, know-your-rights information for both landlords and tenants, and referrals to housing-supportive social services.
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc1-888-534-5243Legal Aid has free lawyers at the courthouse to help low income people facing eviction.
Rental Assistance - Restore Hope Ministries918-922-8282rhm@restorehope.orgRestore Hope Programs help people with rent, food, and hope.
Rental Help: OklahomaInformation on subsidized apartments, public housing and Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8).
Voucher Programs918-582-0021Tulsa Housing Authority administers housing voucher programs for Tulsans who meet the program eligibility requirements as outlined by HUD.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
Plant and Care for TreesA guide for planting and caring for approved trees in the City of Tulsa
TCCL Seed Library918-549-7323Johanna.Burton@tulsalibrary.orgThe Tulsa City-County Library provides access to a Seed Library. You check out seeds (up to 15 packets) and grown your garden. Save seeds from the best plants and return it to the library for others.
Tree Planting GuideA guide to successful tree establishment, includes planting techniques and methods.
Tulsa Recommended & Prohibited Tree & Plant SpeciesA list of recommended and prohibited trees for required landscape areas.
Up With Trees918-610-TREE (8733)Up with Trees empowers, educates, and serves communities by utilizing trees for their environmental, economic, and social benefits.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
City of Tulsa Career BoardFind and apply for available City of Tulsa jobs.
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Career CenterFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Tulsa Community Foundation Career BoardFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centers918-796-1200referral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants.
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Landlord Tenant Resource Center918-322-9922Contact Housing SolutionsThe Tulsa Landlord Tenant Resource Center (LTRC) provides free services in legal information, pro bono referrals, know-your-rights information for both landlords and tenants, and referrals to housing-supportive social services.
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc1-888-534-5243Legal Aid has free lawyers at the courthouse to help low income people facing eviction.
Rental Assistance - Restore Hope Ministries918-922-8282rhm@restorehope.orgRestore Hope Programs help people with rent, food, and hope.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline988The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Children In Need of Supervision (CHINS)918-596-5000The CHINS program is available to all families and individuals who are residents of Tulsa County. The CHINS program is comprised of two unique services for individuals who are in need of assistance from the Tulsa County Family Justice Center. Services include Counseling services, group home information, inpatient hospital information, outpatient information, boarding schools, alternative schools, transitional living, Native American resources, Hispanic resources, GED/Job skills, drug testing services, domestic violence resources, and teen pregnancy resources.
LIFESET918-947-6596LifeSet is an intensive, community-based program that acts as a bridge from foster care to successful adulthood for young people who turn 18 in foster care. It is a comprehensive program that help young people in many areas of their lives including relational permanency, housing, mental and physical health, career and employment, life skills and education.
YES Tulsa918-779-HELP (4357)24/7 Urgent Youth Crisis Help. Provides immediate crisis response, assessment, stabilization, and coordination referral for families and youth ages 5-17 years old.
Youth Programs918-582-0061YST offers a wide array of innovative and proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention, and youth development.
Alert Neighbors918-585-5209info@okcpn.orgTulsa Crime Stoppers is Tulsa's only non-profit solely dedicated to public safety, offering programs for crime prevention and safety awareness.
Tulsa Police - Citizen ResourcesThe Citizen Resources page offers a variety of services and information related to topics such as child abuse, family safety, domestic violence, trespassing, and victim services, as well as, a telephone directory of helpful resources.
Fire Public Education Services311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgThe Tulsa Fire Department's mission is to create a change in attitude toward fire and life safety behaviors through education in fire and injury prevention methods. The Tulsa Fire Department offers fire and life safety presentations, information on child passenger safety, evacuation planning, and smoke detectors.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Medicare800-633-4227Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older. You may be eligible to get Medicare earlier if you have a disability, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), or ALS (also called Lou Gehrig’s disease).
My OK Plan833-465-7526 Ok Plan is a free service that helps you find health care coverage options and available discounts.
SoonerCare800-987-7767SoonerCare is a government funded health coverage program that helps pay some or all medical bills for many people who can't afford them.
Utilities & Internet Services Assistance918-382-3200CAP Tulsa, a community action agency, provides high-quality early education services for young children, as well as a range of supportive services designed to improve the economic status of their parents.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centersreferral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Guidelines for responsible pet ownershipA list of 15 guidelines for responsible pet ownership.
Spay Oklahoma - Spay/Neuter Clinic918-728-3144Spay Oklahoma performs low-cost spay and neuter services.
Tulsa Animal Welfare311Animal Welfare cares for all animals surrendered and provides service to all citizens of the City of Tulsa in accordance with the state law and City ordinances. These services include: strays, animals requiring quarantine, animals that need to be held until a court hearing has determined their disposition, and animals surrendered to the police upon the owner's arrest ('police assist' calls).
Tulsa SPCA - Spay/Neuter Clinic918-428-7722The Tulsa SPCA performs low-cost spay and neuter services.
Small Business Incubators & Accelerators918-576-5571jonah@partnertulsa.orgFind small business incubators & accelerators.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
City of Tulsa Career BoardFind and apply for available City of Tulsa jobs.
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Career CenterFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Tulsa Community Foundation Career BoardFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centersreferral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline988The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Children In Need of Supervision (CHINS)The CHINS program is available to all families and individuals who are residents of Tulsa County. The CHINS program is comprised of two unique services for individuals who are in need of assistance from the Tulsa County Family Justice Center. Services include Counseling services, group home information, inpatient hospital information, outpatient information, boarding schools, alternative schools, transitional living, Native American resources, Hispanic resources, GED/Job skills, drug testing services, domestic violence resources, and teen pregnancy resources.
LIFESET918-947-6596LifeSet is an intensive, community-based program that acts as a bridge from foster care to successful adulthood for young people who turn 18 in foster care. It is a comprehensive program that help young people in many areas of their lives including relational permanency, housing, mental and physical health, career and employment, life skills and education.
YES Tulsa918-779-HELP (4357)24/7 Urgent Youth Crisis Help. Provides immediate crisis response, assessment, stabilization, and coordination referral for families and youth ages 5-17 years old, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Youth Programs918-582-0061YST offers a wide array of innovative and proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention, and youth development.
Alert Neighbors918-585-5209info@okcpn.orgTulsa Crime Stoppers is Tulsa's only non-profit solely dedicated to public safety, offering programs for crime prevention and safety awareness.
Tulsa Police - Citizen ResourcesThe Citizen Resources page offers a variety of services and information related to topics such as child abuse, family safety, domestic violence, trespassing, and victim services, as well as, a telephone directory of helpful resources.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
How to Set Up an After School Art ProgramAn article on how to set up an after school art program.
MoMa CoursesThe Museum of Modern Art offers a variety of free online courses through Coursera.
Tulsa Art Center Classes918-694-9110The Tulsa Art Center offers ongoing art classes.
WaterWorks Art Center918-596-2440ihamel@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa's community art studio offers classes for adults and children, in ceramics, drawing, painting, glass fusing, jewelry, basket making, weaving, and more.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Arts in communities405-521-2931okarts@arts.ok.govThe Oklahoma Arts Council provides grants to eligible organizations for arts programs that take place in communities and schools.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
Temporary and Seasonal Food Events918-595-4300Guidelines for permitting and operating a temporary food establishment at an event, farmers' market, or for a season.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Morton TeleMedicine918-587-2171Contact Morton HealthMorton Comprehensive Health Services offers a variety of medical services including telemedicine.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation - Health Care918-587-2171Curb-to-curb transporation for patient health care appointments, designated senior nutrion sites, and to social service agencies in Tulsa.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Food On the Moveinfo@foodonthemoveok.comFood on the Move partners with health experts, community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses to bring quality food and resources into areas without access to fresh produce known as food deserts.
Grocery Assistance918-582-1356Helping Hand Ministry can help provide three days worth of food for each family member.
Tulsa Farmers' Market918-636-8419info@tulsafarmersmarket.orgProvides a thriving marketplace for local producers and consumers as Oklahoma's premier farmers' market. Participates in the SNAP and DUO (Double Up Oklahoma) programs.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Bookmobile and Reading Roadshow918-549-7481askus@tulsalibrary.orgThe Bookmobile visits more than 40 sites each month, based on a biweekly or monthly schedule. The Bookmobile also represents the Tulsa City-County Library at community events, across Tulsa County.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library918-549-7485imaginationlibrary@tulsalibrary.orgDolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to age five, no matter their family’s income.
Start a Little Free LibraryInformation on how to start or find a little free library near you.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
River Parks Authority918-596-2001staff@riverparks.orgLearn about River Parks' playgrounds, fountains, sculptures, gathering areas, and miles of trails. In addition, enjoy hiking at Turkey Mountain and attending events throughout the years.
Tulsa County Parks918-596-5990parks@tulsacounty.orgTulsa County parks, events, and resources.
Tulsa Parks and Map918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgList of Tulsa parks and amenities along with a map.
Visit Tulsa - Outdoor & Recreation918-585-1201List of outdoor recreational locations throughout Tulsa.
Casa de La Cultura Tulsa918-638-6347franciscot@casadelaculturatulsa.orgCasa de la Cultura is dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and advancement of the Latin/Hispanic culture, arts, and humanities.
College for Kids918-595-7000ce@tulsacc.eduEvery summer there are more than 50 different camp selections offered through College for Kids at TCC. Offerings include World Languages, Gaming & Coding, Arts & Literature, and STEM. Camps include in-person and virtual options through the months of June and July.
Reed Community Foundation Programs918-951-9441 Reed Community Foundation’s focus is on physical fitness, life skills, financial wisdom, and positive vision for the future.
Programs include: After-school activities; Summer programming; In-house tutoring; Life skills education; Character building development; Parental relationship development; Nutrition and clothing assistance
The Center918-584-8607Info@tulsacenter.orgThe Center provides organized social, cultural and recreational opportunities for youth and adults with physical disabilities, specifically mobility, dexterity and sensory impairments.
Tulsa Parks Program Guide918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgFind and register for classes, programs, and lessons hosted by City of Tulsa Parks and Recreation.
Tulsa Tech Leisure & Recreational Activities918-828-5000Info@Tulsatech.eduFind and register for leisure & recreational activities hosted by Tulsa Tech.
YMCAThe YMCA is dedicated to providing comprehensive programs and services that enrich communities - and all the people who live in them.
Youth At Heart Sports & Recreation Programs918-493-7311info@youthatheart.orgYouth At Heart offers a variety of programs to help youth cultivate their hidden potential and lead healthy, productive lives. Provide programs in two major areas - education enrichment programs and recreational and sports programs.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Homeschooling in the Tulsa AreaA list of resources available to those interested in homeschooling in Tulsa.
Online Schools in Oklahoma866-968-7512Online K-12 Schools in Oklahoma that offer personalized learning programs.
Virtual Schools405-522-3240info@svcsb.ok.govProvides a list of virtual charter schools authorized by the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
LIFE Senior Services - Senior Centers918-664-9000info@LIFEseniorservices.orgLIFE's Senior Centers foster connections, encourage individual growth, and inspire seniors to lead an active, fulfilling life.
Tulsa County Parks918-596-5990parks@tulsacounty.orgTulsa County parks, events, and resources.
Tulsa Parks and Map918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgList of Tulsa parks and amenities along with a map.
Visit Tulsa - Outdoor & Recreation918-585-1201List of outdoor recreational locations throughout Tulsa.
Area Agency on Aging1-800-211-2116rmcmanus@incog.orgThe INCOG Area Agency on Aging (IAAA) improves quality of life by promoting independence, dignity, and health for senior citizens through advocacy, education, and support of community-based services.
Life Senior Services918-664-9000info@LIFEseniorservices.orgLIFE offers a comprehensive range of programs and resources designed to enhance the lives of older adults in Tulsa, Oklahoma including health and wellness initiatives, educational workshops, social events, caregiver support, and community engagement opportunities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Home Repair Program918-742-6241Contact Revitalize T-TownFree home repairs for low income Tulsa homeowners focusing on safety, security and weatherproofing.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Plant and Care for TreesA guide for planting and caring for approved trees in the City of Tulsa
TCCL Seed Library918-549-7323Johanna.Burton@tulsalibrary.orgThe Tulsa City-County Library provides access to a Seed Library. You check out seeds (up to 15 packets) and grown your garden. Save seeds from the best plants and return it to the library for others.
Tree Planting GuideA guide to successful tree establishment, includes planting techniques and methods.
Tulsa Recommended & Prohibited Tree & Plant SpeciesA list of recommended and prohibited trees for required landscape areas.
Up With Trees918-610-TREE (8733)Up with Trees empowers, educates, and serves communities by utilizing trees for their environmental, economic, and social benefits.
Tulsa County Election Board918-596-5780electionboard@tulsacounty.orgRegister to vote, find your voting precinct, and connect to state and federal voting programs.

Find Utility Payment Assistance Programs

Payment assistance programs may help households maintain utility services during times of financial hardship.

ResourcePhone NumberEmail AddressDescription
Bike Club TulsaBike Club Tulsa meets with students weekly after school to ride bikes and work on cycling and life skills. They currently operate at 33 Tulsa Public Schools.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882
LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
Go Plan - Bike Facilities MapProposed and implemented trails, paths, lanes, and facilities map.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Tulsa Bicycle ClubInfo@TulsaBicycleClub.comThe Tulsa Bicycle Club sponsors a year round program of rides and events for adults, and endeavors to educate the public and membership about bicycle safety.
918 Trails - Tulsa Regional Trails and information Guide918-579-9427The Tulsa Area Trails System is an interconnected system of bicycle and pedestrian trails.
AARP - Bike Audit Tool KitLivable@AARP.orgAARP Bike Audit Tool Kit can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility of a community’s streets and trails for all users, including cyclists.
AARP - Walk Audit Tool Kit Livable@AARP.orgA Walk Audit is a simple walk through a specific area using a checklist to identify issues that make walking, riding a bicycle, or driving unsafe or uncomfortable. Residents can document and submit identified issues to the City of Tulsa for repair or improvement.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee918-579-9427The Tulsa Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises INCOG and the city governments in the INCOG area on projects, policies, and programs that improve and/or affect bicycling and pedestrian conditions in Tulsa.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020)INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) - Heat Map of Bicyclist CrashesINCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
INCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) - Heat Map of Pedestrian CrashesINCOG Region Crash Map (2011-2020) intended to bring attention to high crash locations and to encourage communities to focus on projects that make our region safer for all modes of transportation.
Travel with Care TulsaTravel With Care is a public awareness campaign that educates the public on the rules of the road and aims at keeping our citizens safe in transit.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Code Enforcement311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa's Code Enforcement team is responsible for enforcing the City's nuisance and zoning ordinances to help prevent deterioration of neighborhoods and help maintain safety and health standards.
Start a Neighborhood Association (Neighborhood Toolkit)Your Neighborhood Liaisons are:

Alisia Myers

Caleb Perkins
neighborhoods@cityoftulsa.orgLearn about the benefits of starting a Neighborhood Association and learn how to get started. The Neighborhood Liaisons are your point of contact in City Hall for all neighborhood-related issues.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Home Repair Program918-742-6241Contact Revitalize T-TownFree home repairs for low income Tulsa homeowners focusing on safety, security and weatherproofing.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Landlord Tenant Resource Center918-322-9922Contact Housing SolutionsThe Tulsa Landlord Tenant Resource Center (LTRC) provides free services in legal information, pro bono referrals, know-your-rights information for both landlords and tenants, and referrals to housing-supportive social services.
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc1-888-534-5243Legal Aid has free lawyers at the courthouse to help low income people facing eviction.
Rental Assistance - Restore Hope Ministries918-922-8282rhm@restorehope.orgRestore Hope Programs help people with rent, food, and hope.
Rental Help: OklahomaInformation on subsidized apartments, public housing and Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8).
Voucher Programs918-582-0021Tulsa Housing Authority administers housing voucher programs for Tulsans who meet the program eligibility requirements as outlined by HUD.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
Plant and Care for TreesA guide for planting and caring for approved trees in the City of Tulsa
TCCL Seed Library918-549-7323Johanna.Burton@tulsalibrary.orgThe Tulsa City-County Library provides access to a Seed Library. You check out seeds (up to 15 packets) and grown your garden. Save seeds from the best plants and return it to the library for others.
Tree Planting GuideA guide to successful tree establishment, includes planting techniques and methods.
Tulsa Recommended & Prohibited Tree & Plant SpeciesA list of recommended and prohibited trees for required landscape areas.
Up With Trees918-610-TREE (8733)Up with Trees empowers, educates, and serves communities by utilizing trees for their environmental, economic, and social benefits.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
City of Tulsa Career BoardFind and apply for available City of Tulsa jobs.
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Career CenterFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Tulsa Community Foundation Career BoardFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centers918-796-1200referral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants.
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Early Settlement Center for Mediation918-596-7786Early Settlement offers individuals the opportunity to voluntarily resolve disputes before getting involved in costly, and often lengthy, legal proceedings.
Landlord Tenant Resource Center918-322-9922Contact Housing SolutionsThe Tulsa Landlord Tenant Resource Center (LTRC) provides free services in legal information, pro bono referrals, know-your-rights information for both landlords and tenants, and referrals to housing-supportive social services.
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc1-888-534-5243Legal Aid has free lawyers at the courthouse to help low income people facing eviction.
Rental Assistance - Restore Hope Ministries918-922-8282rhm@restorehope.orgRestore Hope Programs help people with rent, food, and hope.
Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center918-802-7279FinancialCoach@goodwilltulsa.orgThe Tulsa Financial Empowerment Center offers one-on-one professional financial counseling at no cost to all residents.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)Voicemail: 405-521-3444 or
LIHEAP2@okdhs.orgThe Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides winter heating and summer cooling funding to eligible low-income households during specific application periods throughout each year.
PSO - Payment Assistance1-833-776-7697PSO offers options to give customers more time to pay, set up payment plans, and reduce payments.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline988The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Children In Need of Supervision (CHINS)918-596-5000The CHINS program is available to all families and individuals who are residents of Tulsa County. The CHINS program is comprised of two unique services for individuals who are in need of assistance from the Tulsa County Family Justice Center. Services include Counseling services, group home information, inpatient hospital information, outpatient information, boarding schools, alternative schools, transitional living, Native American resources, Hispanic resources, GED/Job skills, drug testing services, domestic violence resources, and teen pregnancy resources.
LIFESET918-947-6596LifeSet is an intensive, community-based program that acts as a bridge from foster care to successful adulthood for young people who turn 18 in foster care. It is a comprehensive program that help young people in many areas of their lives including relational permanency, housing, mental and physical health, career and employment, life skills and education.
YES Tulsa918-779-HELP (4357)24/7 Urgent Youth Crisis Help. Provides immediate crisis response, assessment, stabilization, and coordination referral for families and youth ages 5-17 years old.
Youth Programs918-582-0061YST offers a wide array of innovative and proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention, and youth development.
Alert Neighbors918-585-5209info@okcpn.orgTulsa Crime Stoppers is Tulsa's only non-profit solely dedicated to public safety, offering programs for crime prevention and safety awareness.
Tulsa Police - Citizen ResourcesThe Citizen Resources page offers a variety of services and information related to topics such as child abuse, family safety, domestic violence, trespassing, and victim services, as well as, a telephone directory of helpful resources.
Fire Public Education Services311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgThe Tulsa Fire Department's mission is to create a change in attitude toward fire and life safety behaviors through education in fire and injury prevention methods. The Tulsa Fire Department offers fire and life safety presentations, information on child passenger safety, evacuation planning, and smoke detectors.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Medicare800-633-4227Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older. You may be eligible to get Medicare earlier if you have a disability, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), or ALS (also called Lou Gehrig’s disease).
My OK Plan833-465-7526 Ok Plan is a free service that helps you find health care coverage options and available discounts.
SoonerCare800-987-7767SoonerCare is a government funded health coverage program that helps pay some or all medical bills for many people who can't afford them.
Utilities & Internet Services Assistance918-382-3200CAP Tulsa, a community action agency, provides high-quality early education services for young children, as well as a range of supportive services designed to improve the economic status of their parents.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centersreferral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Guidelines for responsible pet ownershipA list of 15 guidelines for responsible pet ownership.
Spay Oklahoma - Spay/Neuter Clinic918-728-3144Spay Oklahoma performs low-cost spay and neuter services.
Tulsa Animal Welfare311Animal Welfare cares for all animals surrendered and provides service to all citizens of the City of Tulsa in accordance with the state law and City ordinances. These services include: strays, animals requiring quarantine, animals that need to be held until a court hearing has determined their disposition, and animals surrendered to the police upon the owner's arrest ('police assist' calls).
Tulsa SPCA - Spay/Neuter Clinic918-428-7722The Tulsa SPCA performs low-cost spay and neuter services.
Small Business Incubators & Accelerators918-576-5571jonah@partnertulsa.orgFind small business incubators & accelerators.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
City of Tulsa Career BoardFind and apply for available City of Tulsa jobs.
Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Career CenterFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Oklahoma Works - Tulsa American Job Center405-525-1500Offers free services and resources to help job seekers through the stress of filing unemployment, finding and applying for a job, preparing for an interview, or even gathering information about entering a new career field.
Tulsa Community Foundation Career BoardFind and apply for available jobs with a variety of non-profit organizations.
Vocational & Prevocational Services918-744-6202Employment Resources Inc. offers customized vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities.
WorkAdvance918-442-2200tcwinfo@madisonstrategies.orgProvides free job training, placement and coaching to Tulsa-area residents.
WorkForce Centersreferral@greencountryworks.orgJob seekers can access a variety of services at job centers including job search assistance, resume assistance, interviewing skills, on-the-job training, GED assistance, and post-secondary education for qualified applicants
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline988The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Children In Need of Supervision (CHINS)The CHINS program is available to all families and individuals who are residents of Tulsa County. The CHINS program is comprised of two unique services for individuals who are in need of assistance from the Tulsa County Family Justice Center. Services include Counseling services, group home information, inpatient hospital information, outpatient information, boarding schools, alternative schools, transitional living, Native American resources, Hispanic resources, GED/Job skills, drug testing services, domestic violence resources, and teen pregnancy resources.
LIFESET918-947-6596LifeSet is an intensive, community-based program that acts as a bridge from foster care to successful adulthood for young people who turn 18 in foster care. It is a comprehensive program that help young people in many areas of their lives including relational permanency, housing, mental and physical health, career and employment, life skills and education.
YES Tulsa918-779-HELP (4357)24/7 Urgent Youth Crisis Help. Provides immediate crisis response, assessment, stabilization, and coordination referral for families and youth ages 5-17 years old, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Youth Programs918-582-0061YST offers a wide array of innovative and proven programs focused on counseling, runaway and homeless youth, delinquency prevention, and youth development.
Alert Neighbors918-585-5209info@okcpn.orgTulsa Crime Stoppers is Tulsa's only non-profit solely dedicated to public safety, offering programs for crime prevention and safety awareness.
Tulsa Police - Citizen ResourcesThe Citizen Resources page offers a variety of services and information related to topics such as child abuse, family safety, domestic violence, trespassing, and victim services, as well as, a telephone directory of helpful resources.
211211Free and confidential link to help and hope for those in need, 24/7. Get connected to the right social services near you, including crisis support. Call, Live Chat, Text, or Search Online.
Apply for Financial AidThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college.
GED (General Educational Development) TestThe GED exam offers a pathway to attain the High School Equivalency Certificate. Register for GED testing.
Literacy And Development 918-584-1111Program offers free GED test preparation and GED test fee scholarships to those who qualify.
OSU Tulsa918-594-8000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
OU Tulsa918-660-3000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Preparing for CollegeStart preparing for college by defining your goals and interests, understanding college costs, and planning financially and academically.
The University of Tulsa918-631-2000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
Workforce & Continuing Education918-595-7000Explore a variety of programs, degrees, professional development courses and scholarship opportunities and/or financial aid.
MetroLink Tulsa - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)918-982-6882BRT is designed to provide enhanced bus service in key corridors by reducing travel times and providing a high level of passenger amenities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
How to Set Up an After School Art ProgramAn article on how to set up an after school art program.
MoMa CoursesThe Museum of Modern Art offers a variety of free online courses through Coursera.
Tulsa Art Center Classes918-694-9110The Tulsa Art Center offers ongoing art classes.
WaterWorks Art Center918-596-2440ihamel@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa's community art studio offers classes for adults and children, in ceramics, drawing, painting, glass fusing, jewelry, basket making, weaving, and more.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Arts in communities405-521-2931okarts@arts.ok.govThe Oklahoma Arts Council provides grants to eligible organizations for arts programs that take place in communities and schools.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
Temporary and Seasonal Food Events918-595-4300Guidelines for permitting and operating a temporary food establishment at an event, farmers' market, or for a season.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Morton TeleMedicine918-587-2171Contact Morton HealthMorton Comprehensive Health Services offers a variety of medical services including telemedicine.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation - Health Care918-587-2171Curb-to-curb transporation for patient health care appointments, designated senior nutrion sites, and to social service agencies in Tulsa.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Food On the Moveinfo@foodonthemoveok.comFood on the Move partners with health experts, community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses to bring quality food and resources into areas without access to fresh produce known as food deserts.
Grocery Assistance918-582-1356Helping Hand Ministry can help provide three days worth of food for each family member.
Tulsa Farmers' Market918-636-8419info@tulsafarmersmarket.orgProvides a thriving marketplace for local producers and consumers as Oklahoma's premier farmers' market. Participates in the SNAP and DUO (Double Up Oklahoma) programs.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Bookmobile and Reading Roadshow918-549-7481askus@tulsalibrary.orgThe Bookmobile visits more than 40 sites each month, based on a biweekly or monthly schedule. The Bookmobile also represents the Tulsa City-County Library at community events, across Tulsa County.
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library918-549-7485imaginationlibrary@tulsalibrary.orgDolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to age five, no matter their family’s income.
Start a Little Free LibraryInformation on how to start or find a little free library near you.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
River Parks Authority918-596-2001staff@riverparks.orgLearn about River Parks' playgrounds, fountains, sculptures, gathering areas, and miles of trails. In addition, enjoy hiking at Turkey Mountain and attending events throughout the years.
Tulsa County Parks918-596-5990parks@tulsacounty.orgTulsa County parks, events, and resources.
Tulsa Parks and Map918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgList of Tulsa parks and amenities along with a map.
Visit Tulsa - Outdoor & Recreation918-585-1201List of outdoor recreational locations throughout Tulsa.
Casa de La Cultura Tulsa918-638-6347franciscot@casadelaculturatulsa.orgCasa de la Cultura is dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and advancement of the Latin/Hispanic culture, arts, and humanities.
College for Kids918-595-7000ce@tulsacc.eduEvery summer there are more than 50 different camp selections offered through College for Kids at TCC. Offerings include World Languages, Gaming & Coding, Arts & Literature, and STEM. Camps include in-person and virtual options through the months of June and July.
Reed Community Foundation Programs918-951-9441 Reed Community Foundation’s focus is on physical fitness, life skills, financial wisdom, and positive vision for the future.
Programs include: After-school activities; Summer programming; In-house tutoring; Life skills education; Character building development; Parental relationship development; Nutrition and clothing assistance
The Center918-584-8607Info@tulsacenter.orgThe Center provides organized social, cultural and recreational opportunities for youth and adults with physical disabilities, specifically mobility, dexterity and sensory impairments.
Tulsa Parks Program Guide918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgFind and register for classes, programs, and lessons hosted by City of Tulsa Parks and Recreation.
Tulsa Tech Leisure & Recreational Activities918-828-5000Info@Tulsatech.eduFind and register for leisure & recreational activities hosted by Tulsa Tech.
YMCAThe YMCA is dedicated to providing comprehensive programs and services that enrich communities - and all the people who live in them.
Youth At Heart Sports & Recreation Programs918-493-7311info@youthatheart.orgYouth At Heart offers a variety of programs to help youth cultivate their hidden potential and lead healthy, productive lives. Provide programs in two major areas - education enrichment programs and recreational and sports programs.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Special Event Applications and Permits 918-576-5636sbain@cityoftulsa.orgAccess City of Tulsa's Special Event Permit Application and instructions to guide you through the permit process. Find out the requirements, apply for permits, and pay any fees.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Homeschooling in the Tulsa AreaA list of resources available to those interested in homeschooling in Tulsa.
Online Schools in Oklahoma866-968-7512Online K-12 Schools in Oklahoma that offer personalized learning programs.
Virtual Schools405-522-3240info@svcsb.ok.govProvides a list of virtual charter schools authorized by the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board.
MetroLink Tulsa - TPSRides918-982-6882Transportation programs are available to students via MetroLink Tulsa.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Tulsa Tech Student Transportation918-828-5000info@tulsatech.eduTulsa Tech offers students free transportation to and from participating schools.
LIFE Senior Services - Senior Centers918-664-9000info@LIFEseniorservices.orgLIFE's Senior Centers foster connections, encourage individual growth, and inspire seniors to lead an active, fulfilling life.
Tulsa County Parks918-596-5990parks@tulsacounty.orgTulsa County parks, events, and resources.
Tulsa Parks and Map918-596-PARK (7275)tulsaparks@cityoftulsa.orgList of Tulsa parks and amenities along with a map.
Visit Tulsa - Outdoor & Recreation918-585-1201List of outdoor recreational locations throughout Tulsa.
Area Agency on Aging1-800-211-2116rmcmanus@incog.orgThe INCOG Area Agency on Aging (IAAA) improves quality of life by promoting independence, dignity, and health for senior citizens through advocacy, education, and support of community-based services.
Life Senior Services918-664-9000info@LIFEseniorservices.orgLIFE offers a comprehensive range of programs and resources designed to enhance the lives of older adults in Tulsa, Oklahoma including health and wellness initiatives, educational workshops, social events, caregiver support, and community engagement opportunities.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
MetroLink Tulsa - How to Ride918-982-6882
Information on how to utilize the MetroLink Tulsa Transit System.
MetroLink Tulsa - LinkAssist Paratransit918-982-6882LinkAssist Program is MetroLink Tulsa's door-to-door paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older.
MetroLink Tulsa - MicroLink918-982-6882MicroLink is an on-demand service available to the general public that uses app-enabled trip request and fare payment functions.
Transportation Providers in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area DirectoryINCOG offers a directory of agencies providing transportation services.
Home Repair Program918-742-6241Contact Revitalize T-TownFree home repairs for low income Tulsa homeowners focusing on safety, security and weatherproofing.
Tulsa 311311Tulsa311@cityoftulsa.orgTulsa 311 is the main way to access City resources, request services, and report concerns. 311 is accessible by phone, email, online chat, and mobile app. For emergencies call 911.
Plant and Care for TreesA guide for planting and caring for approved trees in the City of Tulsa
TCCL Seed Library918-549-7323Johanna.Burton@tulsalibrary.orgThe Tulsa City-County Library provides access to a Seed Library. You check out seeds (up to 15 packets) and grown your garden. Save seeds from the best plants and return it to the library for others.
Tree Planting GuideA guide to successful tree establishment, includes planting techniques and methods.
Tulsa Recommended & Prohibited Tree & Plant SpeciesA list of recommended and prohibited trees for required landscape areas.
Up With Trees918-610-TREE (8733)Up with Trees empowers, educates, and serves communities by utilizing trees for their environmental, economic, and social benefits.
Tulsa County Election Board918-596-5780electionboard@tulsacounty.orgRegister to vote, find your voting precinct, and connect to state and federal voting programs.

Contact Information 

Email if you have any questions about the program.