Meeting No. 2900
October 18, 2023, 1:00 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber
At this meeting the TMAPC, in accordance with and pursuant to applicable TMAPC Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, recommend for approval, amend or modify, recommend for approval with modifications, deny, reject, recommend for denial, or defer action on any item listed on the agenda.
Call to Order:
Chairman’s Report:
Work session Report:
Director’s Report:
Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:
- Minutes of October 4, 2023 Meeting No. 2899
All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.
Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:
- PUD-260-B-10 Paloma Jonsson (CD 9) Location: Northeast corner of South Yale Avenue and East 71st Street South requesting a Minor Amendment to increase display area for wall signs
Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:
- Harmon Self Storage (County) Minor Subdivision Plat, Location: South of the Southwest Corner of East 106th Street North and North Garnett Road
Review and possible recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:
- CZ-544 Josh Hutchinson (County) Location: North of the Northwest corner of North Memorial Drive and East 166th Street North requesting a rezoning from AG to AG-R (Continued from October 4, 2023)
- PUD-509-A Sandra Mora (CD 3) Location: South of the southeast corner of East 5th Street South and South 129th East Avenue requesting a PUD Major Amendment to abandon PUD-509 (Related to Z-7740)
- Z-7740 Sandra Mora (CD 3) Location: South of the southeast corner of East 5th Street South and South 129th East Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-2 & CG to CG (Related to PUD-509-A)
- Z-7741 Barbara Green (CD 4) Location: Northeast corner of South Denver Avenue and West 14th Street South requesting rezoning from OM/NIO to RM-2/NIO
- Z-7742 RCJ Designs (CD 2) Location: West of the northwest corner of East 81st Place South and South Evanston Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to RS-5
- CO-16 Tulsa City Council (CD 7 and 8) Location: Multiple properties along East 71st Street South from South 78th East Avenue to South Garnett Road requesting a Corridor Development Plan to change the zoning from AG, CS, CG, CH, OL, OM, OMH, RS-3, RM-1, RM-2 to CO and abandonment or partial abandonment of the following planned unit developments included within the proposed CO boundary: PUD-179, PUD-179-A, PUD-179-B, PUD-179-C, PUD-179-D, PUD-179-F, PUD-179-G, PUD-179-H, PUD-179-I, PUD-179-J, PUD-179-L, PUD-179-N, PUD-179-O, PUD-179-P, PUD-179-Q, PUD-179-R, PUD-179-S, PUD-179-T, PUD-179-U, PUD-179-V, PUD-179-W, PUD-179-X, PUD-179-Y, PUD-186, PUD-186-A, PUD-196, PUD-196-A, PUD-235-A, PUD-309, PUD-309-A, PUD-342, PUD-342-A, PUD-379, PUD-379-A, PUD-379-B, PUD-379-C, PUD-379-D, PUD-379-E, PUD-468, PUD-470, PUD-470-A, PUD-470-B, PUD-479, PUD-479-A, PUD-481, PUD-489, PUD-498, PUD-498-A, PUD-498-B, PUD-498-D, PUD-498-E, PUD-507, PUD-512, PUD-521, PUD-521-A, PUD-567, PUD-567-A, PUD-567-B, PUD-567-C, PUD-567-D, PUD-595, PUD-595-A, PUD-595-B, PUD-595-C, PUD-601, PUD-601-A, PUD-602, PUD-736
Review and possible recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:
- ZCA-27 Consider proposed amendments to the City of Tulsa Zoning Code for work in City of Tulsa parks within Historic Preservation (HP) Overlay Districts, in the following sections: Chapter 20 Overlay Districts: Section 20.020 HP, Historic Preservation Overlays: Section 20.020-D Design Guidelines; Chapter 70 Review and Approval Procedures: Section 70.070 HP Permits: Section 70.070-B Exemptions; Section 70.070-K Action by Preservation Officer
- ZCA-28 Consider proposed amendments to the City of Tulsa Zoning Code in the following sections: Chapter 5 Residential Districts: Table 5-2: R District Use Regulations; Chapter 10 Mixed-use Districts: Table 10-2: MX District Use Regulations; Chapter 15 Office, Commercial and Industrial Districts: Table 15-2: O, C, and I District Use Regulations; Chapter 25 Special Districts: Table 25-1: AG District Use Regulations; Table 25-4: CO District Use Regulations; Table 25-5: SR District Use Regulations; Table 25-7: IMX District Use Regulations; Chapter 35 Building Types and Use Categories: Sec. 35.040-D Day Care; Chapter 40 Supplemental Use and Building Regulations: Section 40.120: Day Cares; Chapter 45 Accessory Uses and Structures: Sec. 45.070 Family Child Care Homes; Figure 45-2: Separation Requirements for Family Child Care Homes.
Review and possible recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:
- Historic Preservation Unified Design Guidelines Consider proposed amendments to the Unified Design Guidelines for Non-Residential and Mixed-Use Structures to add a new section, “Section H – Guidelines for City of Tulsa Parks”
- Commissioners’ Comments