Meeting No. 2871

August 3, 2022, 1:00 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber




At this meeting the TMAPC, in accordance with and pursuant to applicable TMAPC Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, recommend for approval, amend or modify, recommend for approval with modifications,  deny, reject, recommend for denial, or defer action on any item listed on the agenda.



Agenda Packet


Call to Order:




Chairman’s Report:

Work session Report: A work session will be held on  August 17, 2022 in the 3rd floor presentation room in City Hall to discuss: Tulsa County Zoning Code, Tracy Park Historic Preservation Overlay, Neighborhood Character Overlay, Planitulsa update, and Kirkpatrick Heights/Greenwood Master Plan.

Director’s Report:


Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:


  1. Minutes of July 20, 2022 Meeting No. 2870




All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.

Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:


  1. Z-7625a Lou Reynolds (CD 8) Location: Northeast corner of East 81st Street South and South Harvard Avenue requesting a to allow retaining wall tie-backs to be located in a portion of the 25 foot landscape buffer (Staff requests a continuance to August 17, 2022)




Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:


  1. Settler’s Hill (CD 6) Preliminary Plat, Location: Southwest corner of East 31st Street South and South 177th East Avenue (Continued from July 20, 2022)


  1. Magnolia Ridge Phase III (County) Preliminary Plat, Location: North and west of the intersection of East 86th Street North and North Memorial Drive


  1. Huntington Park 2 (CD 6) Preliminary Plat, Location: North and east of the intersection of East 51st Street South and South 177th East Avenue


  1. Williams Court (CD 1) Preliminary Plat, Location: North of the northwest corner of East Virgin Street and North Trenton Avenue


  1. JR&B Office (CD 3) Preliminary Plat, Location: West of the northwest corner of East Marshall Street and North Mingo Road




Review and possible recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:


  1. CZ-534 Nathalie Cornett (County) Location: South of the southwest corner of West 201st Street South and South Union Avenue requesting rezoning from AG to CG to permit commercial uses


  1. Z-7669 Brian Letzig (CD 9) Location: East of the southeast corner of South Canton Avenue and East 68th Street South requesting rezoning from OL to CG with optional development plan (Applicant requests a continuance to September 7, 2022)


  1. Z-7670 Lou Reynolds (CD 1) Location: West of the northwest corner of North Harvard Avenue and East 36th Street North requesting rezoning from RS-3 to IL


  1. Z-7662 Dani Fields, Wallace Design Consultants(CD 2) Location: West side of Riverside Parkway (South Delaware Avenue) near the intersection of East 106th Street South requesting rezoning from AG and RDO-2 to CS and RDO-2 (Continued from July 7, 2022)


  1. CZ-532 Troy Wilsead (County) Location: East of the southeast corner of East 126th Street North and North 97th East Avenue requesting rezoning from AG to IL to permit a mini-storage facility. (Related to TCCP-10) (Continued from June 15,2022)  IP-Exhibit 10,  IP-Exhibit 12,  IP-Exhibit 11-18


Review and possible adoption, adoption with modifications, denial, or deferral of the following:


  1. TCCP-10 Troy Wilsead (County) Location: East of the southeast corner of East 126th Street North and North 97th East Avenue requesting to change the Land Use Designation from Commercial to Industrial to allow an industrial use for a mini-storage (related to CZ-532) (Continued from June 15,2022)



Other Business


  1. Commissioners’ Comments