Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission-

Technical Advisory Committee

Thursday, September 19, 2024, 1:30 p.m.

 175 E. 2nd St., Fourth Level, OTC-04 Media Exchange, Tulsa, OK 74103

TMAPC Date: 10/2/2024

How to Participate

You may attend in person or remotely using Microsoft Team  the information below:

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Meeting ID: 261 854 718 670

Passcode: e6wd9i

Items to be considered and Discussed:

Minor Subdivision Plats:


  1. Battle Creek Park Duplexes

Location: North of the northeast corner of East 41st Street South 145th East Avenue

City Council: 6

Applicant: Wallace Design Collective c/o Mark Capron

Action Requested: Approval of a Minor Subdivision Plat (Proposed Subdivision was previously approved as a Preliminary Plat )


Preliminary Plats:

  1. Villas at Watercrest I

Location: Southwest corner 131st Street South and South Sheridan Road

City Council: 8

Applicant: AAB Engineering c/o Alan Betcham

Action Requested: Approval of a Preliminary Plat


  1. Villas at Watercrest II

Location: West of the Southwest corner 131st Street South and South Sheridan Road

City Council: 8

Applicant: AAB Engineering c/o Alan Betcham

Action Requested: Approval of a Preliminary Plat


  1. Cottages at Watercrest

Location: Northwest corner 131st Street South and South Sheridan Road

City Council: 8

Applicant: AAB Engineering c/o Alan Betcham

Action Requested: Approval of a Preliminary Plat