Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission-
Technical Advisory Committee
Thursday, November 21, 2024, 1:30 p.m.
175 E. 2nd St., Fourth Level, OTC-04 Information Exchange, Tulsa, OK 74103
TMAPC Date: 12/4/2024
How to Participate
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Meeting ID: 293 914 086 886
Passcode: gucq8n
Items to be considered and Discussed:
1. Highland Park Villas
Location: Northeast corner of East 36th Street South and South Braden Avenue
City Council: 5
Applicant: Ryan McCarty, Select Design
Action Requested: Approval of a Preliminary Plat
2. Rivergate 101
Location: Southeast corner of East 101st Street South and South Florence Avenue
City Council: 2 and 8
Applicant: Cottle Engineering Company, PLLC
Action Requested: Approval of a Preliminary Plat