City of Tulsa Board of Adjustment
Agenda of Meeting No. 1349
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
Tulsa City Council Chambers, 175 E. 2nd St., Second Level, Tulsa, OK 74103
Introduction and Notice to the Public
The City of Tulsa Board of Adjustment (BOA) is empowered by state law to grant variances due to hardships, and special exceptions to the zoning code. At this meeting, BOA, in accordance with and pursuant to applicable policies and procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, approve with conditions, amend or modify, deny, reject, or defer action on any item listed on the agenda.
How to Participate
You may attend the hearing to express your opinions, or have someone appear on your behalf. If you wish to present documents or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Please reference the case number and include your name and address. Any exhibits presented will become part of the public record of the case.
To comment on cases, email
Mail: Tulsa Planning Office, 175 E. 2nd St., Suite 480, Tulsa, OK 74103
All electronic devices must be silenced during the hearing. Note: If you require special accommodations pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify the Tulsa Planning Office at 918-596-7526.
Unfinished Business
- BOA-23776
Location: 606 South Lynn Lane Road
City Council District: 6
Applicant: Kirk Wright
Action(s) Requested: Variance to reduce the minimum 200-foot lot width requirement in the AG district to permit a lot split (Section 25.020-D, Table 25-2); Variance to reduce the minimum 30-foot street frontage requirement in the AG district to permit a lot split (Section 25.020-D, Table 25-2).
- BOA-23781
Location: 424 North Boulder Avenue
City Council District: 1
Applicant: Claude Neon Federal Signs
Action(s) Requested: Variance to permit roof signs in the CBD district (Section 60.080-B.5).
New Applications
- BOA-23790
Location: 1732 North Birmingham Place
City Council District: 1
Applicant: Uriel Almanza Lobatos
Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to permit a manufactured housing unit in the RS-3 district (Section 5.020, Table 5-2.5); Special Exception to extend the 1-year time limit for a manufactured housing unit (Section 40.210-A).
- BOA-23791
Location: 4963 North Johnstown Avenue East
City Council District: 1
Applicant: Christopher Tucker
Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to increase the permitted driveway width in the RS-3 district (Section 55.090).
- BOA-23792
Location: 13100 East 11th Street South
City Council District: 6
Applicant: Masood Kasim c/o Timothy C. Janak
Action(s) Requested: Appeal of the administrative decision issued in zoning violation Z-99087 (Section 70.140).
- BOA-23793
Location: 2550 South Evanston Avenue East
City Council District: 4
Applicant: Bill Powers
Action(s) Requested: Variance to reduce the required 15-foot side street setback in the RS-2 district (Section 5.030-A, Table 5-3; Section 5.030-B).
- BOA-23794
Location: 3940 South Lewis Avenue East
City Council District: 9
Applicant: Eugene B. Garber
Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to permit an accessory dwelling unit in the RS-1 district (Section 45.031-D).
- BOA-23795
Location: 4304 South 193rd East Avenue
City Council District: 6
Applicant: Imran Khalid
Action(s) Requested: Variance to reduce the minimum 200-foot lot width requirement in the AG district (Section 25.020-D, Table 25-2).
- BOA-23796
Location: 747 South Memorial Drive
City Council District: 3
Applicant: Shane Coffman
Action(s) Requested: Variance to permit two wall signs which exceed 32 square feet of display surface area in the RS-1 district (Section 60.050-B.2).
- BOA-23797
Location: 2328 North Birmingham Avenue
City Council District: 1
Applicant: Nordhiel Rivera Ortiz
Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to permit a manufactured housing unit in the RS-3 district (Section 5.020, Table 5-2.5); Special Exception to extend the 1-year time limit for a manufactured housing unit (Section 40.210-A).
- BOA-23798
Location: 4244 South 27th West Avenue
City Council District: 2
Applicant: Raul Cisneros
Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to allow an accessory dwelling unit in the RS-3 district (Sec. 45.031-D); Variance to allow the floor area of detached accessory buildings to exceed 500 square feet and 40% of the floor area of the principal residential structure (Section 45.030-A, 45.031-D.6).
- BOA-23799
Location: Multiple lots at the intersection of East 5th Place South and South Quaker Avenue East
City Council District: 4
Applicant: Justin Debruin, Wallace Design Collective
Action(s) Requested: Variance to allow parking serving a residential use to be located on another lot (Section 55.080-D); Special Exception to reduce the required parking ratio for Apartment/Condo uses in the CH district (Section 55.050-K).
- BOA-23800
Location: Northeast Corner of East 36th Street North and North Quaker Avenue
City Council District: 1
Applicant: Mark Capron, Wallace Design Collective
Action(s) Requested: Variance to reduce the required build-to-zone percentages in the MX2-V-65 district (Section 10.030-D, Table 10-6); Variance to reduce the required minimum transparency percentages in the MX2-V-65 district (Section 10.030-D, Table 10-6).
- BOA-23801
Location: 3208 East 81st Street South
City Council District: 2
Applicant: Branch Communications
Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to reduce the required setback of a communications tower from adjoining R and O properties of 110% the height of the tower (Section 40.420-E.6.a).
- BOA-23802
Location: 11511 East 21st Street South
City Council District: 6
Applicant: Brandon Bissram
Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to increase the permitted fence height of 4 feet within the street setback (Section 45.080-A).
Other Business
Board Members’ Comments
Staff Comments