City of Tulsa Board of Adjustment


All cases on today’s agenda will be rescheduled for a future date. Notice of the rescheduled dates will be provided for each item.

Agenda of Meeting No. 1352
Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 1:00 p.m.
Tulsa City Council Chambers, 175 E. 2nd St., Second Level, Tulsa, OK 74103

Agenda Packet

Introduction and Notice to the Public
The City of Tulsa Board of Adjustment (BOA) is empowered by state law to grant variances due to hardships, and special exceptions to the zoning code. At this meeting, BOA, in accordance with and pursuant to applicable policies and procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, approve with conditions, amend or modify, deny, reject, or defer action on any item listed on the agenda.

How to Participate
You may attend the hearing to express your opinions, or have someone appear on your behalf. If you wish to present documents or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 a.m. the day of the hearing. Please reference the case number and include your name and address. Any exhibits presented will become part of the public record of the case.

To comment on cases, email
Mail: Tulsa Planning Office, 175 E. 2nd St., Suite 480, Tulsa, OK 74103

All electronic devices must be silenced during the hearing. Note: If you require special accommodations pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify the Tulsa Planning Office at 918-596-7526.


Approval of Minutes

  1. Minutes from Meeting 1350, November 19, 2024
  2. Minutes from Meeting 1349, December 10, 2024

Unfinished Business

  1. BOA-23798
    Location: 4244 South 27th West Avenue
    City Council District: 2
    Applicant: Raul Cisneros
    Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to allow an accessory dwelling unit in the RS-3 district (Section 45.031-D); Variance to allow the floor area of detached accessory buildings to exceed 500 square feet and 40% of the floor area of the principal residential structure (Sections 45.030-A & 45.031-D.6).
  1. BOA-23804
    Location: 5808 South Peoria Avenue
    City Council District: 9
    Applicant: David Irizarry
    Action(s) Requested: Variance of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement between medical marijuana dispensaries (Section 40.225-D).
  1. BOA-23813
    Location: 1419 West 51st Street South
    City Council District: 2
    Applicant: Jeff Gordon, Gordon Outdoor Advertising
    Action(s) Requested: Variance to increase the allowed display area for an off-premise outdoor advertising sign in the CS District (Section 60.080-C.3.b.1); Variance to increase the permitted height for an off‑premise outdoor advertising sign (Section 60.080-F.3).


New Applications

  1. BOA-23815
    Location: 452 South 67th East Avenue
    City Council District: 3
    Applicant: Michael Lowery
    Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to increase the permitted driveway width in the RS-3 district (Section 55.090); Special Exception to permit a carport in the street yard and street setback
    (Section 90.090-C.1).
  1. BOA-23817
    Location: 5 South 109th East Place
    City Council District: 3
    Applicant: Abdulah Mir
    Action(s) Requested: Special exception to allow personal vehicle sales and rentals in the CS District (Section 15.020 Table 15-2).
  1. BOA-23818
    Location: 1924 South Utica Avenue East
    City Council District: 4
    Applicant: A-Max Sign Co
    Action(s) Requested: Variance to increase the maximum display area for wall signs in the CH district (Section 60.080-B.1).
  1. BOA-23819
    Location: 4728 South Yale Avenue East
    City Council District: 9
    Applicant: Claude Neon Federal Signs
    Action(s) Requested: Variance to allow more than one dynamic display sign on a single lot in the CS district (Section 60.080-E); Variance to allow dynamic display signs to exceed the maximum sign area of 48 square feet in the CS district (Section 60.080-E).
  1. BOA-23820
    Location: 1807 East 37th Street South
    City Council District: 9
    Applicant: Max Mishkin
    Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to increase the permitted driveway width (Sec. 55.090-F).
  1. BOA-23821
    Location: 7810 East 49th Street South & 4922 South Memorial Drive East
    City Council District: 5
    Applicant: Stuart Van De Wiele
    Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to permit the following use categories: Commercial vehicle repair/maintenance, Commercial vehicle sales and rentals, Personal vehicle sales and rentals, and Vehicle body and paint finishing shop in the CS Zoning District (Sec. 15.020, Table 15-2); Variance to remove the screening requirement for Vehicle Sales and Service Uses from R- or AG-R- zoned lots and the requirement that vehicle display areas meet the parking area design standards of Sec. 55.090 (Sec. 40.400‑A,-B); Variance to allow outdoor merchandise display within 300 feet of an abutting R- or AG‑R-district (Section 15.040-A).
  1. BOA-23824
    Location: 6364 East 41st Street South
    City Council District: 5
    Applicant: Claude Neon Federal Signs
    Action(s) Requested: Variance to allow more than one dynamic display sign on a single lot in the IL district (Section 60.080-E); Variance to allow dynamic display signs to exceed the maximum sign area of 48 square feet in the IL district (Section 60.080-E).
  1. BOA-23825
    Location: 2109 South Sheridan Road East
    City Council District: 5
    Applicant: Claude Neon Federal Signs
    Action(s) Requested: Variance to allow more than one dynamic display sign on a single lot in the CH district (Section 60.080-E); Variance to allow dynamic display signs to exceed the maximum sign area of 48 square feet in the CH district (Section 60.080-E).
  1. BOA-23826
    Location: 2502 North Harvard Avenue East
    City Council District: 1
    Applicant: Claude Neon Federal Signs
    Action(s) Requested: Variance to allow dynamic display signs to exceed the maximum sign area of 48 square feet in the IM district (Section 60.080-E).
  1. BOA-23827
    Location: 1802 South Jackson Avenue
    City Council District: 2
    Applicant:  Nathan S. Cross
    Action(s) Requested: Special exception to allow a transitional living center use in the RM-1 district (Section 5.020, Table 15-2); Special Exception to reduce the 2,640-feet spacing requirement between transitional living centers (Section 40.130-B).
  1. BOA-23828
    Location: 744 West 9th Street & 440 South Houston Avenue
    City Council District: 4
    Applicant: Mike Thedford
    Action(s) Requested: Variance to permit a sky bridge over the right-of-way of West 7th Street South (Section 90.090-A).
  1. BOA-23829
    Location: 12407 East 14th Place
    City Council District: 6
    Applicant: Raul Cisneros
    Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to permit a carport in the street yard and street setback with modifications to the allowable height (Section 90.090-C.1).
  1. BOA-23830
    Location: 2837 East 3rd Street South
    City Council District: 4
    Applicant: Kyle Gibson
    Action(s) Requested: Special Exception to permit an Accessory Dwelling Unit in the RS-3 district (Section 45.031-D).

Other Business

Board Members’ Comments

Staff Comments
