Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Tulsa City Council Chambers
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 1:00 P.M.
Meeting No. 1279
The City Board of Adjustment will be held in the Tulsa City Council Chambers and by videoconferencing and teleconferencing.
Board of Adjustment applicants and members of the public may attend and participate in the in the Board of Adjustment meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing by joining from a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Attend in Person: 175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Attend Virtually:
Attend by Phone: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 853 2615 5861
If you wish to present or share any documents, written comments, or exhibits during the hearing, please submit them by 9:00 AM the day of the hearing. Remember to reference the case number and include your name and address.
Mail or In Person: City of Tulsa BOA c/o INCOG, 2 W. 2nd St., Suite 800, Tulsa, OK 74103
At this Meeting the Board of Adjustment, in accord with and pursuant to applicable Board of Adjustment Policies and Procedures, will review, consider, discuss, and may take action on, approve, amend, modify, approve with amendment(s) or modification(s), deny, reject, or defer any action on any item listed on this Agenda.
Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:
- Approval of Minutes of July 27, 2021 (Meeting No. 1277).
Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:
- 23160—Hall Estill – Stuart Van De Wiele – Special Exception to allow a Public, Civic & Institutional/Governmental Service or Similar Functions use for a family justice center in an RS-3/OL/IL/CH zoned district (Sec. 5.020, Table 5-2, Sec. 15.020, Table 15-2); Variance of the 75-foot setback from Office and Residentially zoned properties in the IL Zoning District (Sec. 15.030-A, Table 5-3) LOCATION: 2821 South Sheridan Road East (CD 5)
Review and possible approval, approval with modifications, denial or deferral of the following:
- 23172—Pat Fox – Special Exception to allow a horizontal extension to a building with a non-conforming setback (Section 80.030-D). LOCATION: 3047 South Detroit Avenue East (CD 4) Addendum 1
- 23173—A-Max Sign Company – Special Exception to allow a sign to be located in the right-of-way of South Peoria Avenue (Section 60.020-E); Variance to allow a sign to be located above the parapet (Section 60.040-C). LOCATION: 3334 South Peoria Avenue East (CD 9) Addendum 1
- 23174—Eller & Detrich – Nathalie Cornett – Special Exception to allow a fence greater than 8 feet in height within the required building setbacks (Section 45.080-A). LOCATION: 2552 East 16th Street South (CD 4) Addendum 1
- 23175—Christopher Wadleigh – Variance to reduce the number of required vehicle parking spaces from 23 to 15 spaces (Section 55.040-B, Table 55-1); Variance of the required interior parking lot landscaping standards (Section 65.050); Variance of the required street frontage buffer requirements (Section 65060-C); Variance to allow a drive-through lane on a street-facing side of a property (Section 55.100-C. 2). LOCATION: 1905 East 21st Street South (CD 9) Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Addendum 3 Addendum 4
- 23176—Sean Leary – Special Exception to permit a fence that exceeds 4 feet in the street setback (Section 45.080-A); Variance to permit a fence inside the City of Tulsa right-of-way (Section 90.090-A). LOCATION: 1345 South 129th East Avenue (CD 6)
- BOA Work Session to consider and/or discuss the following:
- Discussion with representatives of the Permit Center to explain the process for obtaining Zoning Clearance Permits, Building Permits, Certificates of Occupancy, Sign Permits and Certificates of Compliance.
- Criteria to grant Variances, Special Exceptions and determinations of non-conforming status. Addendum 1
- Presentation from Tulsa Planning Office staff regarding the Neighborhood Infill Overlay and related Zoning Code Amendments (ZCA-19). Addendum 1.
- Presentation from the Tulsa Planning Office staff regarding the proposed Zoning Code Amendments (ZCA-21).
- Making motions during Board of Adjustment hearings.