36th Street North Small Area Plan

Adopted in 2013 and amended in 2016, the 36th Street North Small Area Plan identified 30 goals and 80 implementation measures. As of July 1, 2021, about 43 percent of those implementation measures are complete or ongoing, and another 36% are in progress.


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2021 Report

2020 Report
2019 Report


Implementation Status


RefImplementation MeasureStatus
Goal #1: Land-Use decisions are consistent with the Vision, Land Use, and Stability/Growth maps.
1.1Use the Vision map to inform the future land-use decision.Ongoing
1.2Amend Comprehensive Land Use map to reflect citizens' vision for the plan area.Complete
1.3Amend the Stability/Growth map to reflect the citizens' vision for the plan area.Complete
Goal #2: Promote a mix of uses in new development and redevelopment.
2.1Zoning changes to areas identified with Regional Center, Town Center, and Main Street designations should be conducive to mixed uses and multiple uses.Ongoing
2.2Zoning changes should support neighborhood-level amenities and retail services (e.g., grocery stores, restaurants, shops) which are close to both single-family and multi-family residential units. Ongoing
Goal #3: Prepare and adopt policies, tools, and strategies that support transit-oriented development.
3.1Encourage intense mixed-use development along Peoria Avenue.Ongoing
3.2Ensure that zoning changes will complement the Town Center-designated portion of the plan area.Ongoing
Goal #4: Identify financial resources to support implementation of a transit-oriented development project.
4.1Complete a comprehensive study of public and private funding mechanisms specifically focused on transit-oriented development.Complete
4.2Examine public/private financing partnerships available for tranist-oriented development projects.In Progress
4.3Partner with Tulsa Development Authority for land purchases and assembly.In Progress
Goal #5: Prepare and adopt policies, tools, and strategies that support Main Street infill efforts.
5.1Establish a façade grant program to create uniformity in the Main Street corridor, as well as aid in cost of new development and revitalization.Not Initiated
5.2Focus development efforts initially at the east end of the designated Main Street corridor, then expanding west along 36th Street North. Ongoing
5.3Ensure zoning is complementary to the Main Street-designated portion of the plan area.Ongoing
Goal #6: Prepare and adopt policies, tools, and strategies that support the entertainment district.
6.1Ensure zoning is complementary to a variety of entertainment-based land uses.Ongoing
Goal #7: Reduce the negative environmental impact on the plan area's streams and drainage ways.
7.1Encourage new development with Low Impact Development solutions and support creation of citywide Low Impact Development guidelines.Ongoing
7.2Increase on-site stormwater retention and mitigation with an emphasis on aesthetically pleasing solutions, such as rain gardens. Ongoing
7.3Add strategically placed vegetative buffers to help improve water quality of surface water runoff.Ongoing
Goal #8: Prioritize efforts to clean up and redevelop properties in environmentally sensitive areas or in areas where environmental contaminants could be a factor.
8.1Support the findings of the North Tulsa Brownfields Area-Wide Redevelopment Plan specifically those pertaining to the 3519 North Hartford Avenue site.In Progress
8.2Identify properties within the plan area with environmental considerations and establish funding to assist in reclamation efforts.Ongoing
Goal #9: Support the development of a new industrial facility or park between Dirty Butter Creek and Lewis Avenue, and between 36th Street North and Mohawk Boulevard, while respecting and promoting the future success of neighboring properties.
9.1Encourage the development of an industrial facility or industrial park at this location that: 1) incorporates shielded lighting and minimizes light pollution, 2) employs best site management practices during construction to avoid dust and erosion, and 3) minimizes encroachment into the floodplain of Dirty Butter Creek.In Progress
9.2To retain the residential character for property on Mohawk Boulevard between Troost Avenue and a point 700 feet west of Lewis Avenue: 1) build a berm to provide visual and noise screening, 2) preserve mature trees where possible to provide screening and shade, 3) do not place ingress and egress points to the industrial site, and 4) place parking areas, rather than buildings, nearer to Mohawk Boulevard.In Progress
Goal #10: Strengthen the connections of health care facilities to greater transit systems.
10.1Ensure future circulation between the Wayman Tisdale Specialty Clinic and other health care facilities to a future bus rapid transit route along Peoria Avenue.Complete
10.2Support Peoria Avenue bus rapid transit implementation.Complete
Goal #11: Redevelop Peoria Avenue/36th Street North intersection to a transit-oriented development
11.1Leverage future bus rapid transit (and other transit improvements) along Peoria Avenue to act as the primary transit mechanism for transit-oriented development.Ongoing
11.2Develop a transit hub and park-and-ride near intersection.Complete
11.3Establish east-west circulator to connect Lewis Avenue to the Osage Casino along 36th Street North.In Progress
11.4Investigate the possibility of an assessment district sound Bus Rapid Transit station areas to fund the maintenance of transit facilities along the route.Not Initiated
Goal #12: Increase mass-transit frequency to and within the plan area.
12.1Create partnership between Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority, local businesses and employers to increase ridership. Ongoing
Goal #13: Improve transit stops in the plan area.
13.1Add sidewalks to area where stops are present, specifically along the south side of 36th Street North.In Progress
13.2Add furnishings, landscaping, and lighting to transit stop areas.In Progress
Goal #14: Support bicycle infrastructure in plan area.
14.1Support Fast Forward Tulsa Regional Transit System Plan (INCOG, 2011) and future bicycle and pedestrian plan for North Hartford Avenue and North Garrison Avenue by adding bicycle improvements. In Progress
14.2Amend Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan (INCOG, 2013) and bicycle and pedestrian plan to include 39th Street North/ 39th Place North as a bikeway.Complete
14.3Add bicycle improvements to 36th Street North, specifically bike lanes and supporting infrastructure. In Progress
Goal #15: Ensure continuous sidewalks and clearly marked crosswalks throughout plan area.
15.1Combine street repair, rebuilds, subdivision plats, and new construction within sidewalk extensions and improvements.Ongoing
Goal #16: Implement Complete Street concepts along major corridors, as defined in Tulsa City Complete Streets resolution.
16.1Improve pedestrian crossings with highly visible markings, better lighting and improved signaling, as well as the addition of curb extensions (bump-outs).In Progress
16.2Establish wayfinding that orients pedestrians to neighborhood offerings and promotes identity of plan area.In Progress
16.3Plant hardy, aesthetically pleasing landscaping to provide buffering between sidewalks and streets.In Progress
16.4Ensure continuous sidewalks along 36th Street North, particularly west of Peoria Avenue. In Progress
Goal #17: Add streets to improve east-west connections of the plan area.
17.1Extend East 39th Street North/East 39th Place North across the Osage Trail, to continue into any new development or redevelopment east of Peoria Avenue.Not Initiated
17.2Construct continuous north-south street from Mohawk Boulevard to connect with North Trenton Avenue.Not Initiated
Goal #18: Construct street infrastructure that supports adjacent land uses.
18.1New streets and street rebuilds should follow Complete Streets Guidelines.Ongoing
18.236th Street North should support both land-use needs for a Main Street Corridor designation, and entertainment district in these respective locations.In Progress
Goal #19: Construct an array of infrastructure improvements in and around the Employment Center east of Dirty Butter Creek that, supportive of both industrial and residential growth.
19.1On-site improvements promoting excellent internal circulation options for trucks and employees of the Employment Center.In Progress
19.2 Carefully design site access points on Mohawk Boulevard, a collector street, to provide employee and truck access on some portions, while retaining the residential character in the center portion.Complete
19.3 In order to preserve the residential character of the neighborhood to the south, no access points between Troost Avenue and a point 700 feet west of Lewis Avenue are recommended. On-site internal circulation and driveway access should bypass or otherwise help to obviate the need for employee and truck transit through the neighborhood.Complete
19.4To promote access for employees and shipping, site access to Mohawk Boulevard is recommended to the west of Troost Avenue and to the east of a point 700 feet west of Lewis Avenue. This will enhance connectivity for employees and trucks travelling to and from Peoria Avenue, Lewis Avenue, and multiple highway connections.Complete
19.5Arterial sidewalks and additional street and pedestrian lighting on 36th Street North and Mohawk Boulevard, enhancing connectivity to transit and nearby residential areas.In Progress
19.6 A side path, cyclo-track, or other bicycle accommodation on Mohawk Boulevard consistent with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.Not Initiated
19.7A path through the Dirty Butter Creek floodplain, providing enhanced pedestrian and bicycle connective to the Town Center and Employment Center.Not Initiated
Goal #20: Promote the plan area as a destination for retail and entertainment services.
20.1Create public-private partnerships to identify parcels that will meet the development needs for businesses.In Progress
20.2City should recruit and provide incentives for entertainment services, such as a movie theater, recreation equipment and other destination options. In Progress
Goal #21: Encourage growth of local health-care industry
21.1Examine opportunities to market the area for health-care business growth.Not Initiated
21.2Work with the plan area's existing health care businesses to identify unmet needs and services, and support land-use regulatory changes which support local health-care industry. Ongoing
Goal #22: Leverage Osage Trail to create supportive retail and service opportunities around its 36th Street North crossing.
22.1Identify potential public-private partnerships to encourage adjacent businesses to have physical or visual interaction with the Osage Trail.In Progress
22.2Examine opportunities for a bike share program to be located near crossing.In Progress
Goal #23: Encourage a range of housing types, including multi-family, townhomes and traditional single family.
23.1Promote new single-family residential developments of high quality and at or above market rate by citywide standards.In Progress
23.2Support live-work housing units along the Peoria Avenue corridor.Ongoing
23.3Develop townhouse infill to transition between single-family residential and commercial properties.Not Initiated
23.4Promote a range of workforce, market rate, and high-end housing types wtihin the transit-oriented development.In Progress
Goal #24: Work with the Tulsa Housing Authority on efforts to improve Comanche Park and the surrounding areas.
24.1Begin a transformative plan that takes advantage of both the Town Center land use designation and the bus rapid transit line on Peoria Avenue.In Progress
24.2Identify potential partnerships, stakeholders, funding mechanisms and successful strategies used in similar efforts. In Progress
Goal #25: Remediate dilapidated and abandoned properties.
25.1Create rehabilitation grant and revolving loan programs for the plan area.Ongoing
25.2Work with existing community home buying programs to promote the plan area through positive branding and other efforts.Ongoing
25.3Enforce and monitor fair housing practices.Ongoing
25.4Partner with Tulsa Development Authority in assembling of parcels for redevelopment, if necessary. In Progress
Goal #26: Develop and support a community garden program to provide fresh foods and entrepreneurial opportunities for local residents.
26.1Create a partnership between health officials, educational institutions, Tulsa Parks and related groups.Not Initiated
26.2Examine funding opportunities for developing infrastructure necessary to support community gardens.Not Initiated
26.3Design and implement a farmers' market on the community garden site.Not Initiated
26.4Explore possibility of using Hawthorne Pool site as community garden.Not Initiated
Goal #27: Improve and expand the local trail system.
27.1Develop trailhead at Hawthorne ParkNot Initiated
27.2Assemble the properties necessary for development of ridge trail.Not Initiated
27.3Build trail that parallels Flat Rock Creek across north boundary of plan area, with a potential connection to the Osage Casino.Not Initiated
Goal #28: Improve and increase park offerings.
28.1Create new neighborhood park in the Flat Rock Creek tract.In Progress
28.2Develop nature trails and nature-based amenities in the Flat Rock Creek tract. Trails should have strong connections to bordering neighborhoods.Not Initiated
Goal #29: Promote and develop a unique identity for the plan area.
29.1Work with citizens to develop a brand for the neighborhood to be used to market the area.Complete
29.2Encourage broad participation in the branding efforts.Complete
29.3Work with local realtor groups to promote and market the housing opportunities in the plan area.Ongoing
Goal #30: Develop wayfinding signage to orient and promote the plan area for residents and visitors.
30.1Design signage for placement in the plan area.In Progress
30.2Create design guidelines for application of signage in the plan area.Not Initiated
30.3Make signage visible and functional for both pedestrians and motorists.Not Initiated