Meeting No. 2834

January 20, 2021, 1:00 PM
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tulsa City Council Chamber

The meeting will be held in the Tulsa City Council Chamber. Members of the public may attend the meeting in the Tulsa City Council Chamber, but are encouraged to attend and participate in the TMAPC meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing via GoToMeeting by joining from a computer, tablet or smartphone using the following link:


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Complete Agenda Packet

Call to Order:


Chairman’s Report:
Work session Report:
Director’s Report:

1. Minutes of December 16, 2020 Meeting No. 2832


All matters under “Consent” are considered by the Planning Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Planning Commission member may, however, remove an item by request.

2. Z-6538-SP-2b Aaron Shupp (CD 7) Location: South of the southeast corner of East 91st Street South and South Mingo Avenue requesting a Corridor Minor Amendment to add personal improvement service to permitted uses

3. Z-6051-SP-2d Crown Neon Signs (CD 7) Location: Northeast corner of South Mingo Road and East 82nd Place South requesting a Corridor Minor amendment to increase the allowable sign height from 12 feet to 20 feet

4. PUD-440-4 J. Kory Myers (CD 8) Location: Northwest corner of East 102nd Place South and South Braden Avenue requesting a PUD Minor Amendment to modify the rear yard setback


5. Jamestown Phase I (CD 6) Preliminary Plat, Location: West of the northwest corner of East 41st Street South and South 161st East Avenue (Staff requests a continuance to February 3, 2021)

6. Z-7588 Tanner Consulting, LLC-Eric Enyart (CD 8) Location: Northwest corner of East 121st Street South and South Yale Avenue requesting rezoning from CS/RS-1/PUD-526 to RS-4/CG/OL with an optional development plan (Related to PUD-526-A) (Continued from December 16, 2020)

7. PUD-526-A Tanner Consulting, LLC-Eric Enyart (CD 8) Location: Northwest corner of East 121st Street South and South Yale Avenue requesting a PUD Major Amendment to abandon PUD-526 (Related to Z-7588) (Continued from December 16, 2020)

8. CO-10 Lou Reynolds (CD 2) Location: North of the northwest corner of East 81st Street South and South Lewis Avenue requesting Major Amendment to a Corridor Development Plan (Continued from December 16, 2020)

9. CPA-91 Ricky Powell (CD 4) Location: North of the northwest corner of East 15th Street South and South Evanston Avenue requesting to amend the Land Use Map designation from “Existing Neighborhood” to “Main Street”. (Related to Z-7576) (Continued from December 2, 2020 and moved from January 6, 2021 Cancelled Meeting )

10. Z-7576 Ricky Powell (CD 4) Location: North of the northwest corner of East 15th Street South and South Evanston Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to OL (Related to CPA-91) (Continued from October 21, 2020, December 2, 2020 and moved from January 6, 2021 Cancelled Meeting )

11. Z-7590 Paul Nosak (CD 1) Location: West of the northwest corner of East Ute Street and North Lewis Avenue requesting rezoning from RS-3 to IL (Moved from January 6, 2021 Cancelled Meeting)

12. Z-7591 Dave Anderson (CD 3) Location: Northeast corner of East Newton Place and North Garnett Road requesting rezoning from RS-3 to CG (Moved from January 6, 2021 Cancelled Meeting)

13. Z-7592 Riverton Properties (CD 6) Location: North and east of the northeast corner of East 11th Street South and South 193rd East Avenue requesting rezoning from AG to IH with optional development plan (Moved from January 6, 2021 Cancelled Meeting)

14. Z-7593 C. Brody Glenn (CD 7) Location: West of the southwest corner of East 71st Street South and South 101st East Avenue requesting rezoning from OM/CS/PUD-498 to OMH/PUD-498-D (Related to PUD-498-D)

15. PUD-498-D C. Brody Glenn (CD 7) Location: West of the southwest corner of East 71st Street South and South 101st East Avenue requesting a PUD Major Amendment to increase allowable floor area to 130,000 square feet to permit a self storage facility (Related to PUD-498-D)

16. PUD-592-D Lou Reynolds (CD 9) Location: Northeast corner of East 41st South and South Harvard Avenue requesting a PUD Major Amendment to add Religious Assembly as a permitted use

17. Yellowstone Estates (County) Minor Subdivision Plat and Modification of Subdivision & Development Regulations to permit a flag lot, Location: South of the southeast corner of East 161st Street South and South Lewis Avenue

18. ZCA-20 Consider an amendment to Chapter 40, Section 40.225-E of the City of Tulsa Zoning Code, Title 42 Tulsa Revised Ordinances, to remove the prohibition of drive-through windows and drive-through lanes for Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.


19. 2021 Election of Officers- Current Officers:

Michael Covey, Chairman
Joshua Walker, 1st Vice Chairman
Ted Reeds, 2nd Vice Chairman
Joshua Ritchey, Secretary

20. Commissioners’ Comments