Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Tulsa City Council Chambers
175 East 2nd Street, 2nd Level, One Technology Center
Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 1:00 P.M.
Meeting No. 1257
The City Board of Adjustment will be held in the Tulsa City Council Chambers and by videoconferencing and teleconferencing.

Board of Adjustment members and members of the public may attend the meeting in the Tulsa City Council Chamber but are encouraged to attend and participate in the Board of Adjustment meeting via videoconferencing and teleconferencing by joining from a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Join Teleconference by dialing: +1 (408) 650-3123
Participants must then enter the following Access Code: 791-905-117
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The following City Board of Adjustment members plan to attend remotely via GoToMeeting, provided that they may still be permitted to appear and attend at the meeting site, Tulsa City Council Chambers, at One Technology Center, 175 East Second Street, Tulsa Oklahoma: Stuart Van De Wiele, Austin Bond, Burlinda Radney and Jessica Shelton.

  1. Approval of Minutes of June 23, 2020 (Meeting No. 1253).
  1. Election of Secretary due to Ms. Briana Ross’s retirement from the Board.
  1. 22945 – Wallace Engineering – Variance to reduce the build-to-zone requirement along Lewis Avenue and 11th Street (Section 10.030, Table 10-4); Variance to reduce the ground floor ceiling height from 14 feet (Section 10.030, Table 10-4); Variance to reduce the minimum transparency required along a street facing building facade (Section 10.030, Table 10-4).  LOCATION:  2311 East 11th Street South  (CD 4). The applicant has withdrawn this application.
  1. 22976—Perla Zamora – Variance to allow the total aggregate floor area of all detached accessory buildings to exceed 40% of the floor area of the principal residential structure (Section 45.030-A).  LOCATION: 8923 East 15th Street South  (CD 5) Addendum 1
  1. 22977—James C. Winn – Variance of the 1,000-foot spacing requirement for a medical marijuana dispensary from another medical marijuana dispensary (Section 40.225-D).  LOCATION: 5123 South Peoria Avenue East  (CD 9) Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Addendum 3
  1. 22978—Bobby Patterson – Special Exception to allow a Commercial/Assembly & Entertainment/Small Use (up to 250-person capacity) (axe-throwing venue) in an MX-1-P-U  District (Section 10.020, Table 10-2).  LOCATION: 1306 East 11th Street South  (CD 4)
  1. 22979—Molly Jones – Special Exception to permit alternative compliance parking ratios in an RM-2 District to reduce the required number of parking spaces for an apartment use (Section 55.050-K  &  Section 55.020, Table 55-1).  LOCATION:  7131  &  7141 South Quincy Avenue East  (CD 2) Addendum 1
  1. 22980—Back Land Use Planning – Carolyn Back – Variance of the front street setback from 25 feet to 15 feet (Section 5.030, Table 5-3); Variance of the side street setback from 15 feet to 10 feet and of the setback for a street-facing garage door from 20 feet to 18 feet (Section 5.030-B, Table Note [3]).  LOCATION:  1609 East Oklahoma Street North  (CD 1)
  1. 22981—Cody Welch – Special Exception to permit moderate-impact medical marijuana processing (Moderate-impact Manufacturing & Industry Use) in the IL District (Section 15.020, Table 15-2).  LOCATION:   165 South 122nd Avenue East, Suite B  (CD 3) Addendum 1
  1. 22982—Greg Hollinger – Variance of the required 25-foot rear setback (Section 5.030, Table 5-3); Special Exception to increase the permitted driveway width  (Section 55.090-F).  LOCATION:  2103 East 37th Street South  (CD 9) Addendum 1; (Applicant request Continuance until September 8th, 2020)
  1. 22985—Christian & Kristen Meyers – Variance of the minimum lot width in the RE District to permit a lot line adjustment (Section 5.030, Table 5-3); Variance of the minimum lot area and lot area per dwelling unit in the RE District to permit a lot line adjustment (Section 5.030, Table 5-3).  LOCATION:  2604 East 38th Street South  (CD 9)